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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Is Valentine's Day a public holiday?

The way I see it, Valentine's Day should be primarily between two people who are in a romantic relationship. I would also add in immediate family members, such as parents, children, etc.; but that's about it. (A notable exception would be school children who like to take little V-day cards to their friends.) On Feb. 14, I typically give my husband a cutesy V-day gift and card and buy some little something for my son; and I may say "Happy Valentine's Day" to people I meet at work or church or such; but that's the extent of it. I don't understand why some people seem to want to turn Feb. 14 into another gift-giving fiasco like Christmas has become.

I missed work on Feb. 13 because it is the anniversary of my mom's death, and I didn't want to have to deal with my pain while at work. When I went in the next day, V-Day, a co-worker had a pretty plant with pink flowers on her desk. When I commented on how pretty it was, I was informed that the company president had given out plants and chocolate the day before since he would be out of town the rest of the week. I found that very strange, and I was actually glad I had missed that day so I would not be in the uncomfortable position of receiving a V-day gift from my boss. Then, yesterday, he popped his head in my door and commenced a rather long speech on how I had been gone the day he had given out V-day gifts, but that I had not been forgotten and would receive mine later this week. I mumbled my thanks and a "that's ok" while feeling uncomfortable and wishing I had been forgotten.

In my opinion, the work place should be more formal and impersonal with no gift-giving, with a couple exceptions. Christmas gifts from employers are acceptable if everyone receives a comparable gift. Also, I enjoy being recognized on Office Personnel Appreciation Day, just as long as I am not refered to as a secretary. (I am an accountant, NOT a secretary.)

Ok, I'll step down from my soap box now.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Fundamental Forums

A couple weeks ago, I came across the Fighting Fundamental Forums. I was excited, thinking it would be a place for some serious discussions. Instead, what I found was a lot of immature bickering among people who argue their positions sans logic and with no intent to hear the other side of the debate. I keep reading it just for the entertainment value, but I have given up on finding anything of real value there. Well, I have found a couple "things" of real value -- old friends from the past. Steve Davis, son of Carol Davis, my babysitter when I was but a preschooler; and Ferrell Phillips from Gilead Christian Academy where I attended from Kindergarten through 8th grade.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Yesterday marked the 4th anniversary of my mom's death, and today marked the 4th anniversary of the first day without her in my life. By now, it looks like it would be getting easier to deal with, but it's still nearly as hard as it was when it first happened. My mom was my best friend, and I miss her dearly. No matter how far apart we lived from each other, we talked just about every day, even if there wasn't anything new to talk about. No one ever loved me like my mom did; that's what I miss the most!

The first picture is of my mom about a year before she was diagnosed with cancer. The next two are one from her college years and one from elementary. The last one is of mom and me a little more than one month before she died. She was such a beautiful lady!

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Watchmaker

You've GOT to see this presentation!!! What an excellent way to debunk the myth of evolution!! Click on the link below and be prepared to be amazed.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Movie Recommendation

Last night, I finally watched the movie "Facing the Giants." I had heard from several sources that it was a good movie, but I was not prepared for how good it was. I enjoyed the movie from start to finish, with tears running down my face much of the time. I'm not going to use this blog to tell you what the movie was about, but rather to tell you that this is one must-see movie.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

My Victory Poem

This is a poem I wrote in 1998. I hope it is a blessing to all who read it.

My Victory Poem

When trials come, as they will,
Remind me that You are near.
Strengthen my heart, comfort my soul,
And wipe away my every tear.
You were tried far worse than I,
Yet were victorious o’er the grave.
You can help me through the pain
With Your grace and power to save.
Help me, Lord, to learn to forgive
Those who have done me so much wrong.
Give me love for everyone -
Your love that is true and strong.
I want to do all that is right
And fulfill the plans You have for me.
Help me to get past the past
And to go on victoriously.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Security of the Believer

I haven't had a chance to write in here lately. My son has been sick, and my mother-in-law is still in the hospital due to her broken hip. Between the two of them, I've been kept quite busy. While I've been busy with all of my responsibilities, my mind has been busy pondering deep thoughts. I have many topics I'd like to write about, but I will limit it to just one per day.

This past Sunday I visited Gunnings Baptist Church (in Blountville, TN) for the second time. Evangelist Bob Dougherty preached, and I enjoyed his sermon immensely. He took the letters in the word "security" and made an acrostic to argue the security of the believer. I believe it was the best sermon I've ever heard on the subject.

In order for you to "lose your salvation", you would have to:

Sell yourself after you've been bought.
I Corinthians 6:19-20

Erase your name from the Lamb's Book of Life, which is in Heaven.
Hebrews 12:23

Confuse the plain, simple teaching of Holy Scripture.
John 5:24; 6:47; 10:28

Undo the work of Calvary.
Isaiah 53:5,6; Romans 5:7,8

Reject the ability of God to keep you saved.
I Peter 1:3-5

Ignore the provision of God's sealing power by His Spirit.
Ephesians 1:13,14; 4:30

Take yourself out of the body of Christ.
I Corinthians 12:13; John 6:37

Yield to the false teaching that man merits salvation instead of receiving it by a FREE gift.
Ecclesiates 3:14

There's only one end of Salvation -- the one where you got on. It continues on for eternity.

Some people believe that you get saved by grace but you stay saved by "keeping the rules." That sounds like probation.