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Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's definitely cold and flu season!!!

I can definitively aver that it is cold and flu season. I am sick as a dog!!! I know I caught it from Audrey since we share a desk, phone, keyboard, etc.; but I had fun yesterday accusing my sister-in-law of giving it to me. I haven't had much fun at all today, since I'm all sniffly and sneezy. I did, however manage to make it to work, and I have only about an hour left of this drudgery. Then, I can either go home and take a quick nap before picking Sam up from school; or I can go to the hospital to check in on my mother-in-law.

Speaking of my mother-in-law, she's doing better. She got up and walked 3 steps forward and 3 steps backward yesterday afternoon. She is determined to make a quick recovery, and we are all praying that she does.

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