This is what Sam looked like when I dropped him off at school this morning. He was soooooooooo happy about the truck race later today. Since he likes school and really misses his friends when he's not there, he's always rather happy when I let him off; but today, his smile was definitely bigger than usual!!! I'm so glad, for his sake, that we get to go to the race. I'll try to get on here tomorrow and tell all about it, but I may not be able to.
Tomorrow, my mother-in-law (Louise) is having out-patient surgery. The pin that was put in her hip, after she broke it back in January, has started coming out. According to the X-rays, it's sticking about a half-inch out of the bone; and it's causing a great deal of pain. Tomorrow, the surgeon is taking the pin out. He expects her to be able to go home afterward. We're hoping she'll get to do that! I don't know if she'll require therapy or not. Scott was going to try to get off work to take her; and I went ahead and put in for the day off, just in case he couldn't. It looks like I'll be the one to take her.
Since we still don't have internet at home, I may not be able to get back on here until Friday. Oh well.....
Have a great day!!!!!
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