The two little ones are named Isaac (I think he just turned 6) and Levi (3 y/o), and what fun they are! For lunch, they wanted peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but had to settle for tomato soup as there was no bread for sandwiches. So, Isaac had a brainstorm and informed me that sometimes his mommy will mix up peanut butter and jelly in a bowl. Then, he can eat it with a spoon and not need any bread with it. Good idea! I mixed up some pb&j for him, and he let me know that his mommy always gives him MORE than that, so I gave him more, and he was happy.
Just as I was about to put away the peanut butter and jelly, Levi came in and asked for some, too. It took a few times of his saying what he wanted before I got it. This is what it sounded like: "I nunt neenut nunner an newwy mit in a bow wike Idek but no newwy." After the third or fourth time of his saying that, I thought I understood him and asked, "You want peanut butter and jelly mixed in a bowl like Isaac, but no jelly?" After he replied with, "Uh-huh," I asked, "So, you just want peanut butter?" Uh-huh. Why didn't he just say that to start with? Because he is a precious little dear that I would take home to live with me, if I could!!! LOL
Here's a picture of the darlings sitting in our pastor's chair on the platform at church, after the service one Sunday evening. I think they have suckers in their mouths.
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