First, BIG news!!! Today is my last day to work at Kintronic Laboratories. As you know, if you have been keeping up with my blog for a while, I've been looking for a full-time job. Back in September, they had agreed to let me go on full-time here at Kintronic but changed their minds a few weeks later for whatever reason. So, I have continued looking, and now I have a new full-time job at Country Auto Sales as their in-house bookkeeper. I'm very excited about it, too. Since my current job is 9-1 every day, I went ahead and started my new job Monday afternoon; and I've been working 2-5 there so that I could get a bit of a jump on the end-of-year stuff.
This next topic is pretty big, too!!! I have received "THE BEST MOM AWARD"!!! Sam made it for me in art class last week, and it's official. I'm sorry, but all you other moms will just have to take a lower position. Of course, I wouldn't dare to claim it without proof, so here it is:
I'm finally feeling much better, after having been deathly ill for much of this month. I still don't feel like going dancing or anything, but I am feeling much, much better than I did this time last week.
This past weekend, Sam appeared to be getting sick. Saturday, he was running a fever, and Sunday he complained of a sore throat. Thank God, he felt better by Monday, and he managed to go to school each day this week (well, except today, since he is now off for Christmas break). He was looking so cute and pitiful, all cuddled up in the recliner Sunday night, that I just had to take his picture and share it.
Tuesday, Dec. 11, Sam got to be in his first band concert. It was held in the gym at the middle school. I meant to take my digital camera so I could get a good picture, but all I had was my cell phone, so the picture's not all that great. This is the elementary band, made up of 6th graders from all the city's elementary schools.
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