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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!!

No, today is not my birthday. Saturday was, and it was a good day. It started off with breakfast in bed, which I believe was the first time for me. Scott gave me two beautiful blouses from my favorite store in the mall and took us out for supper at a Chinese buffet which has the best crab legs in the area. Our friends David and Rachel joined us for supper and a movie afterward. We went to see "I Am Legend". It was great, despite being a little scary. (Sam held firmly to my hand for much of the movie.)

Sam gave me the most beautiful little birthday card I have ever received. Although it doesn't do it justice, here is a picture of it.


1 comment:

Randi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm so sorry I missed it ! But I'm glad you had a great time!