I was a little more active than what is prudent, considering my congenital heart defect that is getting worse the older I get. Sam's Little League had a family fun day, and I was talked into playing on the parents' team against those youngsters. Although it was just one inning, I thought I was going to die, or at least pass out! I'm just glad we didn't have to play an entire game -- I wouldn't have made it!
Then, Monday I went to the doctor for what I thought was a urinary tract infection. I had been having symptoms since early last week, and finally couldn't stand it any longer. They performed the usual tests, and the doctor informed me that he didn't see any signs of infection. Instead, he said I probably have a bladder stone, like a kidney stone but in the bladder instead. Well, almost a week later, and I think he may have been wrong. He gave me an antibiotic "just in case" which seems to be helping. Yay!
Monday eveing was the beginning of Vacation Bible School (VBS) at my church. I volunteered to help with the 4- and 5-year-olds. Whew, did I have my work cut out for me!!! We averaged about 14 youngsters in our class each night. I think overall the average attendance was around 140. Although it was tiring, it was also fulfilling. Those children were very precious. Here are a couple pictures of the dears.
Wednesday, Scott was almost electrocuted at work. He was working on a machine which his co-worker said was unplugged but wasn't. The current went through his right arm and chest before it caused his knees to involuntarily straighten, throwing him backwards, away from the machine. I still get shaken whenever I think of how close he was to death that day.
The rest of the week was rather uneventful, which was okay by me.