SparkPeople is the world's largest healthy living community with a free online diet and fitness program. SparkPeople is helping millions of people achieve their goals every single day!
Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, live a healthier lifestyle or reach other goals, SparkPeople can help--and it's 100% FREE!
SparkPeople is free because REAL people like you, are getting REAL results and spreading the word to their friends and families!
By Joining SparkPeople You Get:
- Calorie Counter & Meal Plans: Take the guesswork out of what to eat with these powerful customizable tools.
- Personalized Fitness Plan & Exercise Demos: Burn calories and tone your muscles with routines you can do at home or at the gym, plus online exercise videos.
- Active Support Message Boards: Get help from thousands of other people like you who are losing weight with SparkPeople.
- Advice From Our Experts: Our programs are designed by registered dieticians and personal trainers, who are also there to answer your questions.
- Member Created Goal Teams: Find others with similar goals and work towards success together.
- Recipes, Articles, Tips and More: Thousands of articles and over 60,000 recipes to learn more about eating right, staying active, and sticking to your program.
Click the button below to learn more about and/or join SparkPeople.
I found it time consuming and a bit difficult to track using their calorie counter. But the meal planning and recipes are outstanding. It is the best freebie the web offers, in my small opinion -- and we only use a small portion of Spark People. Thanks for pointing us in that direction.
Oh -- nope. No large weight loss. Just a gradual change in eating style and gradual loss. Hey, it's better than the continued gain!
You're absolutely right! My goal is a new lifestyle which will produce longer-lasting results than quick weight loss from fad diets. I've lost an average of just under 2 pounds a week, and I'm very happy with that. That's one of the things I love about SparkPeople. The program emphasis nutrition and fitness not quick weight loss.
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