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Friday, March 18, 2011

Un-Fatherly Father

Sam doesn't know his real father, but he knows who he is. When he found him on facebook, he sent him a friend request, hoping to get to know him some. (I personally didn't like the idea, but since he's 15 now, I let him make his own decision on that.) Well, I guess his "father" didn't like the idea either. Instead of accepting the friend request, or just ignoring it, he blocked Sam on facebook. I find that totally reprehensible!


Diane said...

What a complete jerk. I just can't fathom this kind of behavior. I guess as a mother we are so emotionally connected to our kids and the love we have for them is so overwhelming that when things like this happen I just can't wrap my head around it. If his father would be so heartless he is better off without him in his life, but a kid can't be told these things they have to grow up and find their own way and then unfortunantely they find out on their own who they can count on and in most cases (not all)it's their good ol mama. I enjoy your posts, Suzanne. I can't believe we are all grown up. How is your dad? Tell him that I work with Jeff Sanders, my husband Jody's brother. I remember Jeff was a huge fan of his. How is Artie? So glad we have reconnected.

Tinkerbell's Mom said...

What a toad. Well, that is his loss. Doesn't make the hurt any less for Sam though. Hr will answer one day for what he has done.

Suzanne Mumpower said...

Diane, thanks for your comment. It's nice to reconnect with you too. I'll tell Dad you said hi. Jeff was Mom's student aid one year, and she said he was the greatest. When I think of Jody, I always remember him as a 3rd grader, in the first class Dad taught at Gilead. Haha! How are you and your family? Tell your parents hello for me.

Suzanne Mumpower said...

Susan, you are absolutely correct, and Sam knows that, too. His "father" is definitely the loser here.