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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Practice What You Preach

This week, I've experienced how hard that can be. Last Thursday night, I stood before the ladies group at my church as the speaker at our monthly meeting. My topic was "Why Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen To His Children?" I told a personal story and at the end, gave several answers based on my own experience.

Tuesday was such a bad day, and yesterday wasn't much better. I found myself wondering why those bad things were happening to me, and I had to remind myself of the lesson I had given just a few days earlier. Honestly, all I want to do right now is sit around and mope and feel sorry for myself. But, maybe I'm being tested by God to see if I really believe what I taught. The last line of my lesson was: "Remember that God is always good and will not allow us to be tried without a reason." Now, I just need to apply that to what it is going on in my life this week.


Beth Amatelli said...

you're doing great Suzanne - if you get the opportunity to listen to Matthew West's song "Strong Enough" - you will see that in our greatest "tests" of faith - we find out just how strong God KNOWS we are - and we are only as strong as we allow ourselves to be - I can do ALL THINGS... love and miss you much...

Suzanne Mumpower said...

Beth, thank you for recommending that song. It is so powerful and appropriate right now. Love and miss you too!!