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Monday, June 6, 2011


Friday morning, I dropped Sam off at the church for the youth group's mission trip. It has been blissfully quiet at the house, but I must admit that I miss him! So, this has been my opportunity to get out and have a little fun without having to worry about Sam. Unfortunately, I've either had to work, or I've been lying in bed in pain. I was hurting all over so badly on Saturday that I had to call in to work. I hate doing that! I spent the entire day IN BED. I was still not feeling well Sunday and slept away the whole afternoon between the morning and evening church services. Oh well, at least the house was quiet, and I didn't have to worry about being asked to get up and do things for Sam (like turn off his light since his bed is a loft bed, and he doesn't like to have to get down just to turn off the light...haha). He'll be back for just a few hours Tuesday night and then off again at an ungodly hour Wednesday morning. I'll be glad when he's back home Friday night. Despite the complaining I do when he doesn't let me rest, I miss the booger when he's not home!

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