Last night, after I got off work, I had to take Sam to the ER for a leg injury. He was wrestling with a friend Monday and fell on some steps. His right leg hit the edges of one of the steps. Then, he walked in a parade, which was probably the worst thing he could have done. It was very swollen and bruised, but I thought it would be okay in a couple days. Well, Sam has complained about it all week, and when he showed it to me last night, I was shocked at how bad it still looked. I became afraid that the bone was actually broken.
We got to the ER at 11pm and had to wait in the waiting room for what seemed like forever. (It was actually about an hour and half.) They were very busy, and their computer system was down. Once we got back to a room, the RN apologized to us several times for how long it was taking.
When the doctor looked at the leg, he was concerned that the bone might be cracked, so he ordered X-rays. Thankfully, the bone was not broken at all. The muscle, however, is badly bruised and swollen. Also, there is a large hematoma. The doctor told us to keep a close eye on it for the next week or so because of the possibility of blood clots or compartmentalization. Also, Sam isn't supposed to be using his leg much at all, and no going up or down steps if it can be avoided.
Earlier this year, I bought Sam a loft bed to conserve space in his room. All this week, he has been climbing up the ladder to the bed, and that hasn't been good for his leg. Last night, he slept on cushions on the floor. I guess he'll do that for at least the rest of the week.
Here is a picture I took in the ER last night. It's not a great one since I had to sneak and take it because Sam didn't want me to take any pictures.
I'm certain they told him to keep it elevated, too. Those injuries can take quite a while to heal. Hope he's patient!
Oh goodness!!! Better take care of that one for sure, or you'll be contacting me with "S****y, would you happen to have a spare leg hanging around that you aren't using? Sam needs a new one and......." Take care of YOURSELF too - Sam's no good without a mom who's taken good care of herself and all of her personal needs - this way, you can take care of Sam without anything robbing you of your ability to give him your absolute, total, focused time, care, and attention.
I love you and Sam.
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