Thursday, November 18, 2010
Happy Birthday, Sam
Today is Sam's 15th birthday. It's hard to believe! It seems like just the other day when I was in the hospital delivering him. He was so tiny and perfect, and I would often wonder what he would be like when he was a teenager. Now, he's not so tiny, but he's still perfect to me. He's a great kid, and he makes me proud.
Last night, I surprised him with an impromptu party after Youth Church. I came in with an ice cream cake to share with the youth group. He was a little embarrassed, but mostly he was grateful that I went to the trouble to show him how special he is to me.
Today's post on my other blog, is a recipe for the mini birthday cake pictured above. Although I'm not much of a cake decorator, and the cake is by no means perfect, I made the miniature cake for Sam's birthday. He loved it.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Veteran's Day Parade
Today was the Veteran's Day Parade in downtown Bristol. The Tennessee High Mighty Vikings Band was in it. So, I stood in the frigid cold, watching my son go by with his trumpet.
When we went out to the car this morning, there was a tiny bit of snow on it and a few flurries in the air. By the time we got to where the band was meeting before the parade, the snow was coming down heavily and steadily. I was really worried about the parade. Thankfully, the snow stopped completely before the parade started.
I managed to get some pictures of Sam in his band uniform. The first couple were taken at home this morning. It was still pretty dark out, and the snow caused streaks across the pictures.

The next two pictures were taken during the parade. Sam is in the second row, second from the left.

When we went out to the car this morning, there was a tiny bit of snow on it and a few flurries in the air. By the time we got to where the band was meeting before the parade, the snow was coming down heavily and steadily. I was really worried about the parade. Thankfully, the snow stopped completely before the parade started.
I managed to get some pictures of Sam in his band uniform. The first couple were taken at home this morning. It was still pretty dark out, and the snow caused streaks across the pictures.
The next two pictures were taken during the parade. Sam is in the second row, second from the left.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Baking Full-Scale
Since I started my new blog with a new individual dessert every day, I'm not used to baking full-size desserts anymore. Today, I wanted to make a dessert to take to a dinner at church this evening. Well, I had problems. I'm not used to needing more than a couple tablespoons of anything, and I didn't have enough ingredients to make the dessert I'd been planning on for a week. So, at the last minute, I changed my mind and decided to make a different dessert. The dessert I ended up making took twice as long in the oven, causing us to run late for church. Shew! I think I'll stick with my miniature desserts from now on!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Christian Fruit
I've been doing a Bible study lately on the fruit that gives evidence that someone is a Christian, and I have found some interesting truths. In Matthew 7:16, Jesus says, "Ye shall know them by their fruits..." Again in Matthew 12:33, He says, "...the tree is known by his fruit." We know that we can discern what kind of tree we see by the fruit it bears. An apple tree will always bear apples, and a peach tree will always bear peaches, etc. Thusly, a Christian will always bear Christian fruit.
So, what is Christian fruit? Many people say it is the good works done by a Christian and lost souls brought to Christ by a Christian. These are, indeed, good things which should be present in a Christian's life, but from my study, I have concluded that is not the identifying fruit Jesus was speaking of. In fact, Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:22-23, "Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name cast out devils? and in they name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity." There are lots of people doing good things and even bringing the lost to Christ, but sadly, some of them are lost themselves.
Galatians 5:22-23 tells us: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance..." This nine-fold fruit will be evident, to varying degrees, in every Christian. Notice that none of the nine elements listed above are actions. The fruit (or proof) that we are Christians are characteristics rather than deeds.
In the Gospels, Jesus often refers to us as branches. We are to bear fruit, even as branches on a tree. Let's consider a branch on an apple tree. What does that branch DO to bear fruit? It doesn't do any works. It abides in the tree. As the branch is connected to the trunk, receiving nourishment from the root, it produces apples. Likewise, as we are connected to Christ and receiving nourishment from His Word, we will produce fruit that others will be able to see in our lives.
As Christians, we should be characterized by the nine parts of the fruit of the Spirit. The first three parts should characterize our relationship with God: love, joy and peace. Our relationships with others should evidence longsuffering, gentleness and goodness. And, inside ourselves, we should be filled with faith meekness and temperance.
Just as good works will never save anyone, and good works cannot keep us saved, good works should not be the only thing identifying us as children of God.
So, what is Christian fruit? Many people say it is the good works done by a Christian and lost souls brought to Christ by a Christian. These are, indeed, good things which should be present in a Christian's life, but from my study, I have concluded that is not the identifying fruit Jesus was speaking of. In fact, Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:22-23, "Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name cast out devils? and in they name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity." There are lots of people doing good things and even bringing the lost to Christ, but sadly, some of them are lost themselves.
Galatians 5:22-23 tells us: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance..." This nine-fold fruit will be evident, to varying degrees, in every Christian. Notice that none of the nine elements listed above are actions. The fruit (or proof) that we are Christians are characteristics rather than deeds.
In the Gospels, Jesus often refers to us as branches. We are to bear fruit, even as branches on a tree. Let's consider a branch on an apple tree. What does that branch DO to bear fruit? It doesn't do any works. It abides in the tree. As the branch is connected to the trunk, receiving nourishment from the root, it produces apples. Likewise, as we are connected to Christ and receiving nourishment from His Word, we will produce fruit that others will be able to see in our lives.
As Christians, we should be characterized by the nine parts of the fruit of the Spirit. The first three parts should characterize our relationship with God: love, joy and peace. Our relationships with others should evidence longsuffering, gentleness and goodness. And, inside ourselves, we should be filled with faith meekness and temperance.
Just as good works will never save anyone, and good works cannot keep us saved, good works should not be the only thing identifying us as children of God.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Answered Prayer -- Miracle Healing
As most of you know, I spent four days in the hospital about a month and a half ago. I was having chest pains and had to go through a whole series of tests because of two heart defects I was born with.
When I was about six months old, I was diagnosed with a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD, for short), which is a hole between the two ventricles. The doctors assured my parents that it would close up on its own, probably by the time I was 10. Well, it didn’t.
When I was 22, I went to a cardiologist for the first time in many years because of some heart-related symptoms I was having. That’s when I was diagnosed with Ebstein’s Anomaly, which is a deformed tri-cuspid valve, positioned lower than it is supposed to be. Since that time, I have been on daily medication and monitored every year or so, with tests every few years.
During all this time, every test run showed the VSD. The heart cath I had in 1998 showed that it had closed up some and was quite small, but it was still there. The doctor who performed the cath told me that it was unlikely that it would ever close up completely. The echo I had 3 or 4 years ago indicated that it was still there, though not much of a problem any more.
Today, I got the results of the tests that were done while I was in the hospital recently. The most amazing news I’ve ever received -- the VSD is gone. Not only has it closed up, but there is no evidence that it was ever there. All the pressures in my heart are normal. All four chambers are the right size. The only problem I have now is the Ebstein’s Anomaly, and it is moderate.
WOW! Praise God for answered prayers!!!
In all honesty, I must admit here that the prayers He answered were not my prayers, but the prayers of others. While I have faith in God’s power to heal, I never thought of my defect as something that would qualify. People would tell me they would pray that God would heal my heart, and I would just smile and say that was nice. Inside, I was thinking, “How silly! Don’t you know this isn’t the kind of thing God heals? It’s not a disease or an infection. Rather, it’s a structural problem that can be fixed only with surgery.”
Well, God showed me! He listened to the prayers of others who possessed the faith that I did not have, and He worked a miracle in my heart. Now, I have the faith to believe that if He chooses, He can also repair my tri-cuspid valve and move it to the place where it can function best. That sounds impossible, but my God is capable of doing the impossible.
When I was about six months old, I was diagnosed with a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD, for short), which is a hole between the two ventricles. The doctors assured my parents that it would close up on its own, probably by the time I was 10. Well, it didn’t.
When I was 22, I went to a cardiologist for the first time in many years because of some heart-related symptoms I was having. That’s when I was diagnosed with Ebstein’s Anomaly, which is a deformed tri-cuspid valve, positioned lower than it is supposed to be. Since that time, I have been on daily medication and monitored every year or so, with tests every few years.
During all this time, every test run showed the VSD. The heart cath I had in 1998 showed that it had closed up some and was quite small, but it was still there. The doctor who performed the cath told me that it was unlikely that it would ever close up completely. The echo I had 3 or 4 years ago indicated that it was still there, though not much of a problem any more.
Today, I got the results of the tests that were done while I was in the hospital recently. The most amazing news I’ve ever received -- the VSD is gone. Not only has it closed up, but there is no evidence that it was ever there. All the pressures in my heart are normal. All four chambers are the right size. The only problem I have now is the Ebstein’s Anomaly, and it is moderate.
WOW! Praise God for answered prayers!!!
In all honesty, I must admit here that the prayers He answered were not my prayers, but the prayers of others. While I have faith in God’s power to heal, I never thought of my defect as something that would qualify. People would tell me they would pray that God would heal my heart, and I would just smile and say that was nice. Inside, I was thinking, “How silly! Don’t you know this isn’t the kind of thing God heals? It’s not a disease or an infection. Rather, it’s a structural problem that can be fixed only with surgery.”
Well, God showed me! He listened to the prayers of others who possessed the faith that I did not have, and He worked a miracle in my heart. Now, I have the faith to believe that if He chooses, He can also repair my tri-cuspid valve and move it to the place where it can function best. That sounds impossible, but my God is capable of doing the impossible.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Band Fundraiser
It's that time of the year when the band does its fundraisers. The biggest fundraiser of the year was Music in the Castle, which was held last Saturday. Bands from 10 area high schools came to THS to compete in a full day of musical festivities. The day culminated in an exhibition performance by the THS Mighty Viking Band. They were awesome!

Sam is in there somewhere, but I can't find him. haha
Now, it's time to sell fruit ... oranges, grapefruit and tangelos. Each band member needs to sell at least 10 boxes of fruit. Local friends, please show your support for THS and place your order for fruit!

Orders (WITH payment) are due by November 4.
Sam is in there somewhere, but I can't find him. haha
Now, it's time to sell fruit ... oranges, grapefruit and tangelos. Each band member needs to sell at least 10 boxes of fruit. Local friends, please show your support for THS and place your order for fruit!
Orders (WITH payment) are due by November 4.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Back to the E.R.
I had to go to the E.R. again today; and if I start doing any worse this weekend, I'll have to go back to be admitted to the hospital again. The last time I was in the hospital, they adjusted my medications, and one of them ended up being at a toxic level. So, I've been poisoning myself everyday while taking my daily prescriptions.
On top of that, I have a very BAD urinary tract infection. I went to the E.R. because I suspected the digoxin poisoning, but I was completely shocked by the U.T.I. Before any of the test results came back, the doctor was convinced it was mono. He appeared surprised by the findings.
This time, I didn't come out black and blue. The nurse who started the I.V. did it in just one try and didn't even bruise me. If I ever have to go back there again, I hope I get that same nurse again. The last time I was there, I was bruised up and down both arms before I got moved from the E.R. to a regular room.
On top of that, I have a very BAD urinary tract infection. I went to the E.R. because I suspected the digoxin poisoning, but I was completely shocked by the U.T.I. Before any of the test results came back, the doctor was convinced it was mono. He appeared surprised by the findings.
This time, I didn't come out black and blue. The nurse who started the I.V. did it in just one try and didn't even bruise me. If I ever have to go back there again, I hope I get that same nurse again. The last time I was there, I was bruised up and down both arms before I got moved from the E.R. to a regular room.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Happy Birthday, Dad!
Today is my dad's 67th birthday. In honor of this occasion, I am posting old (and I mean OLD) pictures of him for my readers to appreciate and for a few of my readers to remember those days.

I think he was about 2 years old in this picture. I scanned this one a long time ago and don't have the actual photo in front of me right now.

According to the writing on the back of this photo, Dad was 3 years and 5 days old when it was taken.

The back of this photo says he was 7 years and 3 months old, probably in 2nd grade or thereabouts.

This was Dad's school picture for his junior year of high school.

The back of this one simply says "Bowlegs 1960". So, it was either his junior or senior year of high school. Since there are no leaves on the tree behind him, I'm assuming the photo was taken in the fall of his senior year.

I believe this photo was taken during my dad's senior year and his brother Marion's 6th grade year.

Although I wasn't around yet (or even thought of yet), this photo is from a very important day for me. It was my parents' wedding day. In this photo, Dad is signing his life away...I mean signing the marriage license.

In this last photo, I was a few months old, and Art was almost 3 years old. This photo is very typical of my dad in my childhood years. He was always outside spending time with me and Art.
I think he was about 2 years old in this picture. I scanned this one a long time ago and don't have the actual photo in front of me right now.
According to the writing on the back of this photo, Dad was 3 years and 5 days old when it was taken.
The back of this photo says he was 7 years and 3 months old, probably in 2nd grade or thereabouts.
This was Dad's school picture for his junior year of high school.
The back of this one simply says "Bowlegs 1960". So, it was either his junior or senior year of high school. Since there are no leaves on the tree behind him, I'm assuming the photo was taken in the fall of his senior year.
I believe this photo was taken during my dad's senior year and his brother Marion's 6th grade year.
Although I wasn't around yet (or even thought of yet), this photo is from a very important day for me. It was my parents' wedding day. In this photo, Dad is signing his life away...I mean signing the marriage license.
In this last photo, I was a few months old, and Art was almost 3 years old. This photo is very typical of my dad in my childhood years. He was always outside spending time with me and Art.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
On my other blog (365 Desserts), I have a contest going on through the end of this week. Be sure to stop by there to check it out.
Monday, September 20, 2010
School Pictures Recap
In my last post, I asked for help in choosing which of Sam's pictures to purchase this year. Thanks for those of you who voted. The one I chose was the one in the middle on the bottom row. Here is the proof again, to jog your memory:

Well, anyway, I didn't order any pictures at all. Something unexpected came up that I had to shill out money for, and I couldn't also buy pictures. That's okay, though, because Sam really didn't like them and didn't want me to buy them. They will be taking pictures again in the spring, and hopefully he'll like them better and nothing else will come up that needs money.
Well, anyway, I didn't order any pictures at all. Something unexpected came up that I had to shill out money for, and I couldn't also buy pictures. That's okay, though, because Sam really didn't like them and didn't want me to buy them. They will be taking pictures again in the spring, and hopefully he'll like them better and nothing else will come up that needs money.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Help Me Decide
It's school picture time. Well, the pictures have been taken, and now it's time to decide which one(s) to buy. Being the biased mom that I am, I think my child is totally photogenic, and I'm having a tough time deciding which image to go with. That's where you come in. Please, please, please leave a comment letting me know which one you like best.
I scanned the proof sheet to put on here. The top 5 pictures are Sam; the pictures at the bottom are advertisements. Sorry the pictures are so tiny. When I tried to enlarge it, it became blurry.

I'll come back in a few days and let you know which one I picked.
I scanned the proof sheet to put on here. The top 5 pictures are Sam; the pictures at the bottom are advertisements. Sorry the pictures are so tiny. When I tried to enlarge it, it became blurry.
I'll come back in a few days and let you know which one I picked.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
My Hospital Experience
My last couple posts were written from the hospital. I've been out for over a week now, but I'm just now feeling up to getting back on here with an update. It was quite an ordeal! For about a week after I came home, my arms still looked like I had been in some kind of physical combat.
The whole experience began on the evening of Friday, August 27. I started having chest pains at work and left early to go home and rest. As long as I was lying still, I felt better, so I got up Saturday morning thinking it had all passed. I went to work, but didn't last long. The pain was too severe.
I went to the emergency room and was very quickly attended to by three nurses, all poking and prodding me at once. I was hooked up to an ECG, had an IV started, and all kinds of stuff. I warned the nurse starting the IV that I have very bad veins, and everyone in the hospital soon learned how true that was. There were several unsuccessful attempts at starting IV's. One nurse managed to get one started, but it was too small to be used for the cat scan. Finally, they got a larger one started, and I was taken for the cat scan. Unfortunately, when the dye was injected, the IV blew, and my arm was filled with the fluid.

Anyway, I was admitted to the hospital and ended up staying FOUR days and had several tests. I was poked with a needle more times than I can count, and I came home with bruises all over. Here is a picture of me in the hospital, hooked up to an IV, a heart monitor, oxygen, etc.

On that Monday, they did an echocardiogram. Here is what it looked like:

I was supposed to have a heart cath done on Tuesday, but a lady was brought in with a massive heart attack. She, obviously, took priority, and my cath was bumped to Wednesday. For the cath, they had to start yet another IV on my already terribly bruised arm.

The outcome of all the tests was that my heart is in pretty good shape, considering the defects I was born with. I have no blood clots and no blockage at all. I do have some regurgitation, due to the faulty tricuspid valve; but that is to be expected. The doctors adjusted my daily meds somewhat and sent me on my way that Wednesday evening. I was elated about going home. I have been very weak, though, and the site where they inserted the cath hurt for quite a bit longer than I expected.
Here are some flowers I received while I was in the hospital:

The whole experience began on the evening of Friday, August 27. I started having chest pains at work and left early to go home and rest. As long as I was lying still, I felt better, so I got up Saturday morning thinking it had all passed. I went to work, but didn't last long. The pain was too severe.
I went to the emergency room and was very quickly attended to by three nurses, all poking and prodding me at once. I was hooked up to an ECG, had an IV started, and all kinds of stuff. I warned the nurse starting the IV that I have very bad veins, and everyone in the hospital soon learned how true that was. There were several unsuccessful attempts at starting IV's. One nurse managed to get one started, but it was too small to be used for the cat scan. Finally, they got a larger one started, and I was taken for the cat scan. Unfortunately, when the dye was injected, the IV blew, and my arm was filled with the fluid.
Anyway, I was admitted to the hospital and ended up staying FOUR days and had several tests. I was poked with a needle more times than I can count, and I came home with bruises all over. Here is a picture of me in the hospital, hooked up to an IV, a heart monitor, oxygen, etc.
On that Monday, they did an echocardiogram. Here is what it looked like:
I was supposed to have a heart cath done on Tuesday, but a lady was brought in with a massive heart attack. She, obviously, took priority, and my cath was bumped to Wednesday. For the cath, they had to start yet another IV on my already terribly bruised arm.
The outcome of all the tests was that my heart is in pretty good shape, considering the defects I was born with. I have no blood clots and no blockage at all. I do have some regurgitation, due to the faulty tricuspid valve; but that is to be expected. The doctors adjusted my daily meds somewhat and sent me on my way that Wednesday evening. I was elated about going home. I have been very weak, though, and the site where they inserted the cath hurt for quite a bit longer than I expected.
Here are some flowers I received while I was in the hospital:
Monday, August 30, 2010
High School Football
This past Friday night, Tennessee High School had their first football game of the season. It was a home game against Sullivan East. It was also Sam's first experience ever of playing in the band for a high school pep rally and then a football game. He loved it! Unfortunately, I had to work and missed seeing the band perform. I heard they did really well, considering it was their first performance of this school year. To make a great day even better, THS annihilated East 42-0!! Woohoo!!! Go Vikings!!! Now, Sam is super-psyched about being in the band and is living for Fridays!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
In the Hospital
Well, folks, I'm in the hospital. Ugh! This has been a horrible experience so far, but not because of any of the hospital staff. Everyone has been very kind and caring. Unfortunately, my body is my biggest enemy here.
I came to the ER yesterday because of chest pains and got admitted for 24-hour observation, but I have a bad feeling that I'm going to be here longer than that. They tried to do a cat scan with contrast dye, but my veins did not cooperate. It took FOREVER and 6 tries before they got an IV started that had any chance of working, and then it didn't. As soon as the dye started going it, it burst, and my arm got filled up with that fluid. To say it was painful is putting it mildly.
Including every IV attempt, all shots, and every time blood has been drawn, I've been stuck over 10 times in about 17 hours. Did I mention that I hate needles? Well, I do, and this experience has been very traumatic!!
The initial blood work showed only a couple irregularities. One test, which can indicate a potential blood clot, came back slightly elevated. The doctor didn't seem to think that I have one, but he has to rule it out. Also, my digoxin levels are low. (Digoxin is the medicine I take every day for my heart.) Other than that, everything seemed to look normal.
Today, they are going to do a different test that doesn't require dye to be injected so forcibly. If it doesn't work, they'll try something else tomorrow. If it does work and doesn't indicate a blood clot, they will do some cardiac tests tomorrow, starting with a stress test. (At least, I think that's what I understood them to say. Right now, I'm just a little out of it.)
I was going to add a couple pictures to this post, but for some reason, I can't get into photobucket today. Anyway, it's probably better that I didn't. The one with my arm all swelled up with that fluid is pretty gruesome.
I came to the ER yesterday because of chest pains and got admitted for 24-hour observation, but I have a bad feeling that I'm going to be here longer than that. They tried to do a cat scan with contrast dye, but my veins did not cooperate. It took FOREVER and 6 tries before they got an IV started that had any chance of working, and then it didn't. As soon as the dye started going it, it burst, and my arm got filled up with that fluid. To say it was painful is putting it mildly.
Including every IV attempt, all shots, and every time blood has been drawn, I've been stuck over 10 times in about 17 hours. Did I mention that I hate needles? Well, I do, and this experience has been very traumatic!!
The initial blood work showed only a couple irregularities. One test, which can indicate a potential blood clot, came back slightly elevated. The doctor didn't seem to think that I have one, but he has to rule it out. Also, my digoxin levels are low. (Digoxin is the medicine I take every day for my heart.) Other than that, everything seemed to look normal.
Today, they are going to do a different test that doesn't require dye to be injected so forcibly. If it doesn't work, they'll try something else tomorrow. If it does work and doesn't indicate a blood clot, they will do some cardiac tests tomorrow, starting with a stress test. (At least, I think that's what I understood them to say. Right now, I'm just a little out of it.)
I was going to add a couple pictures to this post, but for some reason, I can't get into photobucket today. Anyway, it's probably better that I didn't. The one with my arm all swelled up with that fluid is pretty gruesome.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
24 Things You Might Be Saying Wrong
I have shamelessly copied and pasted the article below from here. I often hear people say some of these things wrong, and I thought it might be a helpful lesson for all of us.
24 Things You Might Be Saying Wrong
The Reader's Digest Version of all those confusing words and seemingly random rules you missed in English class.
You never mean: Could care less
You always mean: Couldn't care less
Why: You want to say you care so little already that you couldn't possibly care any less. When the Boston Celtics' Ray Allen said, "God could care less whether I can shoot a jump shot," we know he meant exactly the opposite because 1) God has other things on his mind, and 2) God is a Knicks fan.
You might say: Mano a mano
You might mean: Man-to-man
Why: You don't speak Spanish by adding vowels to the end of English words, as a columnist describing father–teenage son relationships seemed to think when he wrote, "Don't expect long, mano a mano talks." Mano a mano (literally, "hand to hand") originated with bullfighting and usually refers to a knock-down, drag-out direct confrontation.
You might say: Less
You might mean: Fewer
Why: In general, use fewer when you're specifying a number of countable things ("200 words or fewer"); reserve less for a mass ("less than half"). So when you're composing a tweet, do it in 140 characters or fewer, not less.
You never mean: Hone in
You always mean: Home in
Why: Like homing pigeons, we can be single-minded about finding our way to a point: "Scientists are homing in on the causes of cancer." Hone means "to sharpen": "The rookie spent the last three seasons honing his skills in the minor leagues." But it's easy to mishear m's and n's, which is probably what happened to the Virginia senator who said, "We've got to hone in on cost containment." If you're unsure, say "zero in" instead.
You might say: Bring
You might mean: Take
Why: The choice depends on your point of view. Use bring when you want to show motion toward you ("Bring the dog treats over here, please"). Use take to show motion in the opposite direction ("I have to take Rufus to the vet"). The rule gets confusing when the movement has nothing to do with you. In those cases, you can use either verb, depending on the context: "The assistant brought the shot to the vet" (the vet's point of view); "the assistant took the shot to the doctor" (the assistant's).
You might say: Who
You might mean: Whom
Why: It all depends. Do you need a subject or an object? A subject (who) is the actor of the sentence: "Who left the roller skates on the sidewalk?" An object (whom) is the acted-upon: "Whom are you calling?" Parents, hit the Mute button when Dora the Explorer shouts, "Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?"
You almost never mean: Brother-in-laws, runner-ups, hole in ones, etc.
You almost always mean: Brothers-in-law, runners-up, holes in one, etc.
Why: Plurals of these compound nouns are formed by adding an s to the thing there's more than one of (brothers, not laws). Some exceptions: words ending in ful (mouthfuls) and phrases like cul-de-sacs.
You almost never mean: Try and
You almost always mean: Try to
Why: Try and try again, yes, but if you're planning to do something, use the infinitive form: "I'm going to try to run a marathon." Commenting on an online story about breakups, one woman wrote, "A guy I dated used to try and impress me with the choice of books he was reading." It's no surprise that the relationship didn't last.
You almost never mean: Different than
You almost always mean: Different from
Why: This isn't the biggest offense, but if you can easily substitute from for than (My mother's tomato sauce is different from my mother-in-law's), do it. Use than for comparisons: My mother's tomato sauce is better than my mother-in-law's.
You almost never mean: Beg the question
You almost always mean: Raise the question
Why: Correctly used, "begging the question" is like making a circular argument (I don't like you because you're so unlikable). But unless you're a philosophy professor, you shouldn't ever need this phrase. Stick to "raise the question."
You might say: More than
You can also say: Over
Why: The two are interchangeable when the sense is "Over 6,000 hats were sold." We like grammarian Bryan Garner's take on it: "The charge that over is inferior to more than is a baseless crotchet."
You almost never mean: Supposably
You almost always mean: Supposedly
Why: Supposably is, in fact, a word—it means "conceivably"—but not the one you want if you're trying to say "it's assumed," and certainly not the one you want if you're on a first date with an English major or a job interview with an English speaker.
You might say: All of
You probably mean: All
Why: Drop the of whenever you can, as Julia Roberts recently did, correctly: "Every little moment is amazing if you let yourself access it. I learn that all the time from my kids." But you need all of before a pronoun ("all of them") and before a possessive noun ("all of Julia's kids").
You might say: That
You might mean: Which
Why: "The money that is on the table is for you" is different from "the money, which is on the table, is for you." That pinpoints the subject: The money that is on the table is yours; the money in my pocket is mine. Which introduces an aside, a bit of extra information. If you remove "which is on the table," you won't change the meaning: The money is for you (oh, and unless you don't want it, it's on the table). If the clause is necessary to your meaning, use that; if it could safely be omitted, say which.
You never mean: Outside of
You always mean: Outside
Why: These two prepositions weren't meant for each other. Perfectly acceptable: "Wearing a cheese-head hat outside Wisconsin will likely earn you some stares and glares (unless you're surrounded by Green Bay Packers fans, that is)."
You might say: Each other
You might mean: One another
Why: Tradition says that each other should be used with two people or things, and one another with more than two, and careful speakers should follow suit: "The three presenters argued with one another over who should announce the award, but Ann and Barbara gave each other flowers after the ceremony." (By the way, if you need the possessive form of either one when writing that business letter, it's always each other's and one another's; never end with s'.)
8 Confusing Pairs
leery, wary: suspicious
weary: tired
farther: for physical distance
further: for metaphorical distance or time
principle: rule
principal: of your school
compliment: nice thing to say
complement: match
continual: ongoing but intermittent
continuous: without interruption
stationary: stands still
stationery: paper
imply: to suggest a meaning
infer: to draw meaning from something
affect: typically a verb, meaning "to act upon or cause an effect"; as a noun, it's "an emotional response"
effect: typically a noun, meaning "something produced," like a special effect; as a verb, "to bring about," as in "to effect change"
24 Things You Might Be Saying Wrong
The Reader's Digest Version of all those confusing words and seemingly random rules you missed in English class.
You never mean: Could care less
You always mean: Couldn't care less
Why: You want to say you care so little already that you couldn't possibly care any less. When the Boston Celtics' Ray Allen said, "God could care less whether I can shoot a jump shot," we know he meant exactly the opposite because 1) God has other things on his mind, and 2) God is a Knicks fan.
You might say: Mano a mano
You might mean: Man-to-man
Why: You don't speak Spanish by adding vowels to the end of English words, as a columnist describing father–teenage son relationships seemed to think when he wrote, "Don't expect long, mano a mano talks." Mano a mano (literally, "hand to hand") originated with bullfighting and usually refers to a knock-down, drag-out direct confrontation.
You might say: Less
You might mean: Fewer
Why: In general, use fewer when you're specifying a number of countable things ("200 words or fewer"); reserve less for a mass ("less than half"). So when you're composing a tweet, do it in 140 characters or fewer, not less.
You never mean: Hone in
You always mean: Home in
Why: Like homing pigeons, we can be single-minded about finding our way to a point: "Scientists are homing in on the causes of cancer." Hone means "to sharpen": "The rookie spent the last three seasons honing his skills in the minor leagues." But it's easy to mishear m's and n's, which is probably what happened to the Virginia senator who said, "We've got to hone in on cost containment." If you're unsure, say "zero in" instead.
You might say: Bring
You might mean: Take
Why: The choice depends on your point of view. Use bring when you want to show motion toward you ("Bring the dog treats over here, please"). Use take to show motion in the opposite direction ("I have to take Rufus to the vet"). The rule gets confusing when the movement has nothing to do with you. In those cases, you can use either verb, depending on the context: "The assistant brought the shot to the vet" (the vet's point of view); "the assistant took the shot to the doctor" (the assistant's).
You might say: Who
You might mean: Whom
Why: It all depends. Do you need a subject or an object? A subject (who) is the actor of the sentence: "Who left the roller skates on the sidewalk?" An object (whom) is the acted-upon: "Whom are you calling?" Parents, hit the Mute button when Dora the Explorer shouts, "Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?"
You almost never mean: Brother-in-laws, runner-ups, hole in ones, etc.
You almost always mean: Brothers-in-law, runners-up, holes in one, etc.
Why: Plurals of these compound nouns are formed by adding an s to the thing there's more than one of (brothers, not laws). Some exceptions: words ending in ful (mouthfuls) and phrases like cul-de-sacs.
You almost never mean: Try and
You almost always mean: Try to
Why: Try and try again, yes, but if you're planning to do something, use the infinitive form: "I'm going to try to run a marathon." Commenting on an online story about breakups, one woman wrote, "A guy I dated used to try and impress me with the choice of books he was reading." It's no surprise that the relationship didn't last.
You almost never mean: Different than
You almost always mean: Different from
Why: This isn't the biggest offense, but if you can easily substitute from for than (My mother's tomato sauce is different from my mother-in-law's), do it. Use than for comparisons: My mother's tomato sauce is better than my mother-in-law's.
You almost never mean: Beg the question
You almost always mean: Raise the question
Why: Correctly used, "begging the question" is like making a circular argument (I don't like you because you're so unlikable). But unless you're a philosophy professor, you shouldn't ever need this phrase. Stick to "raise the question."
You might say: More than
You can also say: Over
Why: The two are interchangeable when the sense is "Over 6,000 hats were sold." We like grammarian Bryan Garner's take on it: "The charge that over is inferior to more than is a baseless crotchet."
You almost never mean: Supposably
You almost always mean: Supposedly
Why: Supposably is, in fact, a word—it means "conceivably"—but not the one you want if you're trying to say "it's assumed," and certainly not the one you want if you're on a first date with an English major or a job interview with an English speaker.
You might say: All of
You probably mean: All
Why: Drop the of whenever you can, as Julia Roberts recently did, correctly: "Every little moment is amazing if you let yourself access it. I learn that all the time from my kids." But you need all of before a pronoun ("all of them") and before a possessive noun ("all of Julia's kids").
You might say: That
You might mean: Which
Why: "The money that is on the table is for you" is different from "the money, which is on the table, is for you." That pinpoints the subject: The money that is on the table is yours; the money in my pocket is mine. Which introduces an aside, a bit of extra information. If you remove "which is on the table," you won't change the meaning: The money is for you (oh, and unless you don't want it, it's on the table). If the clause is necessary to your meaning, use that; if it could safely be omitted, say which.
You never mean: Outside of
You always mean: Outside
Why: These two prepositions weren't meant for each other. Perfectly acceptable: "Wearing a cheese-head hat outside Wisconsin will likely earn you some stares and glares (unless you're surrounded by Green Bay Packers fans, that is)."
You might say: Each other
You might mean: One another
Why: Tradition says that each other should be used with two people or things, and one another with more than two, and careful speakers should follow suit: "The three presenters argued with one another over who should announce the award, but Ann and Barbara gave each other flowers after the ceremony." (By the way, if you need the possessive form of either one when writing that business letter, it's always each other's and one another's; never end with s'.)
8 Confusing Pairs
leery, wary: suspicious
weary: tired
farther: for physical distance
further: for metaphorical distance or time
principle: rule
principal: of your school
compliment: nice thing to say
complement: match
continual: ongoing but intermittent
continuous: without interruption
stationary: stands still
stationery: paper
imply: to suggest a meaning
infer: to draw meaning from something
affect: typically a verb, meaning "to act upon or cause an effect"; as a noun, it's "an emotional response"
effect: typically a noun, meaning "something produced," like a special effect; as a verb, "to bring about," as in "to effect change"
Friday, August 20, 2010
New Blog
I have started a new blog. It won't take away from this one in any way. This blog is just about random things going on in mine and Sam's lives. My new blog is one of those 365-somethings-in-365-days blogs. I have been inspired by blogs such as the one which inspired the book and movie "Julie and Julia". So, I decided to start my own. I am going to attempt to make one individual-sized dessert every day and then write a blog post about it, complete with pictures. Today is my 3rd day, and so far, so good.
Those of you who know me well, or who have followed this blog for any amount of time, know that I don't always stick with things so well. This blog is a prime example. I have gone weeks and even months at a time without a single post. I am hoping that, with my new blog, I will be much more consistent. If I receive comments, letting me know that people are reading it, I'm sure that will help me with being consistent. So, please read and comment often.
Click here to go to my new blog now.
Those of you who know me well, or who have followed this blog for any amount of time, know that I don't always stick with things so well. This blog is a prime example. I have gone weeks and even months at a time without a single post. I am hoping that, with my new blog, I will be much more consistent. If I receive comments, letting me know that people are reading it, I'm sure that will help me with being consistent. So, please read and comment often.
Click here to go to my new blog now.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sam's First Week of High School
My baby is in high school. It seems like just last week that he started Kindergarten. My! How he has grown and matured since then! He is tall and handsome and smart. He walks with confidence and is determined to be the best high school student he can be.
Since he has high aspiration for his life, he has decided to take the hardest classes he can. This year, he is enrolled in English I Honors. One of the requirements for that class is summer reading, with a test on the book during the first week of school. This year's book was "Great Expectations". Sam wasn't thrilled about it, but as he read it, he got into the story and appreciated it and discussed deep aspects of the book with me. That was a good thing, because traditionally, most people fail the test on the summer reading, and the highest score ever received on that test was a 90%. Well, Sam did not get a 90%, but he did pass, and we are both happy about that.
He has been able to re-connect with some old friends from elementary and middle school, and he has made new friends, among them some upperclassmen in band.
He's excited about band and doesn't need coaxing to practice his trumpet after school. His school, Tennessee High School, has a proud tradition of having the best band in this area, and Sam is proud to be a part of it.
I, obviously, am a proud parent! While I realize he's not perfect, I think he's pretty close to it.
Since he has high aspiration for his life, he has decided to take the hardest classes he can. This year, he is enrolled in English I Honors. One of the requirements for that class is summer reading, with a test on the book during the first week of school. This year's book was "Great Expectations". Sam wasn't thrilled about it, but as he read it, he got into the story and appreciated it and discussed deep aspects of the book with me. That was a good thing, because traditionally, most people fail the test on the summer reading, and the highest score ever received on that test was a 90%. Well, Sam did not get a 90%, but he did pass, and we are both happy about that.
He has been able to re-connect with some old friends from elementary and middle school, and he has made new friends, among them some upperclassmen in band.
He's excited about band and doesn't need coaxing to practice his trumpet after school. His school, Tennessee High School, has a proud tradition of having the best band in this area, and Sam is proud to be a part of it.
I, obviously, am a proud parent! While I realize he's not perfect, I think he's pretty close to it.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Fresh Apple Cake
Twice this week, I've made fresh apple cake. I made the first one on Monday because Sam made a special request. He gobbled up so much of it, I decided to make another one Wednesday, since there were people I wanted to share it with. I've had some requests for the recipe, so here it is:
1 cup oil
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
3 cups self-rising flour
1 cup chopped pecans
2 cups apples, diced
Mix well first 5 ingredients. Add apples and nuts. Bake in well-greased tube pan at 350° for 1 hour.
Today, I used this recipe but substituted 2 cups shredded zucchini for the apple. It was more moist than my usual zucchini bread recipe, but Sam said this recipe tastes better with apple.
1 cup oil
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
3 cups self-rising flour
1 cup chopped pecans
2 cups apples, diced
Mix well first 5 ingredients. Add apples and nuts. Bake in well-greased tube pan at 350° for 1 hour.
Today, I used this recipe but substituted 2 cups shredded zucchini for the apple. It was more moist than my usual zucchini bread recipe, but Sam said this recipe tastes better with apple.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Catch Up Time
I haven't written here in several days, and a lot has happened since then.
A little over a week ago, I got my hair cut -- SHORT! Everyone says they like it, but I'm not so sure. At least I know it will grow back quickly.
Last weekend, we made a very quick trip to Kitty's house. We left after I got off work Saturday evening and arrived at her house after midnight. We got up bright and early Sunday morning and spent the day shopping for school clothes for Sam. (It's a great place to shop for clothes, and we found lots of good buys for clothes that Sam likes.) We stayed as long as we possibly could and made it back home around midnight. It sure was hard to get up for work Monday morning!
At work Monday, I was given a gift card for being the associate who got the most credit card applications the previous Saturday. The down side was that I had to work the credit card table again this past weekend ... all day, both Friday and Saturday. Seems that no good deed goes unpunished!
This past Thursday, Sam started high school. It was just a 2-hour day to meet teachers, see where to go for classes, etc. School starts full-swing tomorrow. Sam is VERY exited about high school.
I'm sure I'll have lots to tell in a few days, so stay tuned!
A little over a week ago, I got my hair cut -- SHORT! Everyone says they like it, but I'm not so sure. At least I know it will grow back quickly.
Last weekend, we made a very quick trip to Kitty's house. We left after I got off work Saturday evening and arrived at her house after midnight. We got up bright and early Sunday morning and spent the day shopping for school clothes for Sam. (It's a great place to shop for clothes, and we found lots of good buys for clothes that Sam likes.) We stayed as long as we possibly could and made it back home around midnight. It sure was hard to get up for work Monday morning!
At work Monday, I was given a gift card for being the associate who got the most credit card applications the previous Saturday. The down side was that I had to work the credit card table again this past weekend ... all day, both Friday and Saturday. Seems that no good deed goes unpunished!
This past Thursday, Sam started high school. It was just a 2-hour day to meet teachers, see where to go for classes, etc. School starts full-swing tomorrow. Sam is VERY exited about high school.
I'm sure I'll have lots to tell in a few days, so stay tuned!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Not Forgotten
I was blessed today as I read Isaiah 49:14-15 -- But Zion said, the Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
Sometimes I feel down, like I've been forgotten. What a blessing to be reminded that, although even a parent may forget a child, my God will never forget me or forsake me!
Sometimes I feel down, like I've been forgotten. What a blessing to be reminded that, although even a parent may forget a child, my God will never forget me or forsake me!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
An Irrational Customer
Often at Walmart, we are confronted by angry, irrational customer; but the one I faced today had to have been one of the craziest I've seen yet. He was pleasant enough as I was ringing up his purchases. He paid with cash, and as I was putting his money in the drawer and getting his change, he asked if I could give him some tens for some twenties.
We don't usually give change at the registers, but when my drawer is already open, I don't mind giving change, if I have it. Unfortunately, I didn't have any tens at all. I didn't offer to exchange them for fives because I was very low on those as well. When I either don't already have my drawer open or I am low on change, I refer the customers to the CSM station where they can usually get the change they want. Today, I was at register 16 which, in my store, is quite near the CSM podium, and a CSM happened to be standing there. I pointed her out to my customer and told him, very politely, that he could go to her for the change he wanted.
Well, that just wasn't good enough! He was going out the other door and didn't want to walk a few feet in the other direction in order to get his change. I tried to explain that it really was the easiest way to get change at any time, but he exploded and started ranting that I should be able to give him change since I had my drawer open anyway. I reiterated that I was sorry, but I just didn't have any tens, and I couldn't help him.
So, spewing out his frustrations, he headed toward the door; and I turned toward my next customers who had observed the whole scene. They shook their heads and commented that they didn't understand why he couldn't take time to go to the CSM podium, yet he was taking plenty of time to complain about me to the door greeter. I turned and looked, and sure enough, he was down there raving, demanding to see a manager.
As soon as I finished with that couple, I went to the CSM podium and explained to the CSM about the situation. She went to the door to talk to the man, but he refused to speak to her and again demanded to see a manager.
In the meantime, I continued waiting on the customers in my line, trying to ignore the irrational man who had tried to disrupt my peace of mind. After a little while, one of the Assistant Managers came over to me and said, "I told him I would speak to you, so I've spoken to you. It's over now."
I learned later from the door greeter that he had asked for my full name, demanded that I be reported to the home office, and declared that he would be calling the home office to make sure I had been. I'm sure if the home office was contacted about the situation I would be commended for doing my job. What a nut case!!
We don't usually give change at the registers, but when my drawer is already open, I don't mind giving change, if I have it. Unfortunately, I didn't have any tens at all. I didn't offer to exchange them for fives because I was very low on those as well. When I either don't already have my drawer open or I am low on change, I refer the customers to the CSM station where they can usually get the change they want. Today, I was at register 16 which, in my store, is quite near the CSM podium, and a CSM happened to be standing there. I pointed her out to my customer and told him, very politely, that he could go to her for the change he wanted.
Well, that just wasn't good enough! He was going out the other door and didn't want to walk a few feet in the other direction in order to get his change. I tried to explain that it really was the easiest way to get change at any time, but he exploded and started ranting that I should be able to give him change since I had my drawer open anyway. I reiterated that I was sorry, but I just didn't have any tens, and I couldn't help him.
So, spewing out his frustrations, he headed toward the door; and I turned toward my next customers who had observed the whole scene. They shook their heads and commented that they didn't understand why he couldn't take time to go to the CSM podium, yet he was taking plenty of time to complain about me to the door greeter. I turned and looked, and sure enough, he was down there raving, demanding to see a manager.
As soon as I finished with that couple, I went to the CSM podium and explained to the CSM about the situation. She went to the door to talk to the man, but he refused to speak to her and again demanded to see a manager.
In the meantime, I continued waiting on the customers in my line, trying to ignore the irrational man who had tried to disrupt my peace of mind. After a little while, one of the Assistant Managers came over to me and said, "I told him I would speak to you, so I've spoken to you. It's over now."
I learned later from the door greeter that he had asked for my full name, demanded that I be reported to the home office, and declared that he would be calling the home office to make sure I had been. I'm sure if the home office was contacted about the situation I would be commended for doing my job. What a nut case!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Visiting Family
Yesterday, Sam and I got to visit with family, and we had a great time. We started out by driving to Pike County, KY, for a family reunion on my mom's side. There were lots of people there, and I knew less than half of them. The people were descendants of my great-grandfather "Squire" Jack Tackett. Here is his picture in the center of this cake my Aunt Aline made:

When we left the reunion, we went to Mom's grave for a few minutes. I know she's not really there, yet I feel closer to her when I go there. I feel like I can talk to her, and she will actually hear me. It's a great comfort.

After that, we drove down to Middlesboro, KY, to visit with one of my cousins on my dad's side of the family. Jerry, who lives in Tulsa, OK, was there for work. It had been over 7 since I'd seen him. My buddy Cindy met us there, and we had a GREAT time, eating, talking, and laughing ... lots and lots of laughing!

Sam got to go swimming in the pool at the hotel. Cindy and I sat there watching Sam and Jerry diving in. Cindy got some great pics, and I'm hoping to get to post some of those on here at some point.
We didn't get back home until after midnight. We were worn out but happy.
When we left the reunion, we went to Mom's grave for a few minutes. I know she's not really there, yet I feel closer to her when I go there. I feel like I can talk to her, and she will actually hear me. It's a great comfort.
After that, we drove down to Middlesboro, KY, to visit with one of my cousins on my dad's side of the family. Jerry, who lives in Tulsa, OK, was there for work. It had been over 7 since I'd seen him. My buddy Cindy met us there, and we had a GREAT time, eating, talking, and laughing ... lots and lots of laughing!
Sam got to go swimming in the pool at the hotel. Cindy and I sat there watching Sam and Jerry diving in. Cindy got some great pics, and I'm hoping to get to post some of those on here at some point.
We didn't get back home until after midnight. We were worn out but happy.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Psalm 27
1) The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
2) When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stunbled and fell.
3) Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
4) One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.
5) For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavillion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock.
6) And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in His tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord.
7) Hear, OLord, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
8) When Thou saidst, Seek ye My face; my heart said unto Thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.
9) Hide not Thy face far from me; put not Thy servant away in anger: Thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.
10) When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.
11) Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
12) Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
13) I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
14) Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.
2) When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stunbled and fell.
3) Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
4) One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.
5) For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavillion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock.
6) And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in His tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord.
7) Hear, OLord, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
8) When Thou saidst, Seek ye My face; my heart said unto Thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.
9) Hide not Thy face far from me; put not Thy servant away in anger: Thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.
10) When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.
11) Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
12) Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
13) I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
14) Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Interesting Day at Walmart
Today at Walmart was ... hmmm, how can I describe it ... interesting. There were three particularly interesting incidents.
Incident #1
I was at the door, giving a lunch break, when an older lady came in with a return. While I was putting a sticker on her return, she reached out and started touching my hair and saying how nice and thick it is. She kind of freaked me out.
Incident #2
A customer had a couple games, a couple pairs of socks, and a gallon of paint. After I had scanned them and told her the total, she started screaming at me: "WHAT DID YOU PUT IN THERE? I DO NOT OWE YOU $63.85! ALL I WANT ARE THE TWO GAMES AND THE TWO PAIRS OF SOCKS. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" After looking over the list of items scanned, I picked up the can of paint and asked if she still wanted that. She rudely said, "Oh, yes, I want that!" Then, she paid and left without so much of an "I'm sorry for yelling at you" or an "I apologize for accusing you of adding things I didn't want." Hmmph!! I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying something that could have gotten me in trouble.
Incident #3
A couple with two toddlers and a baby came through my line, with the baby in his car seat, set in the seat of the cart. While the mother was unloading and reloading the cart, the father was occupying the kids, particularly the baby. When the mom needed a debit card from the dad, he walked around the cart to give it to her, and the baby fell out of the car seat, face-first onto the floor. It happened right in front me and was very shocking. The mother was understandably hysterical. The baby was stunned and didn't even cry. For a few minutes, he was pale and looked like he was going to pass out. Thankfully, his color came back, and he started smiling at us all. He was such a cutie, with some of the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I'm sure glad he was okay.
Incident #1
I was at the door, giving a lunch break, when an older lady came in with a return. While I was putting a sticker on her return, she reached out and started touching my hair and saying how nice and thick it is. She kind of freaked me out.
Incident #2
A customer had a couple games, a couple pairs of socks, and a gallon of paint. After I had scanned them and told her the total, she started screaming at me: "WHAT DID YOU PUT IN THERE? I DO NOT OWE YOU $63.85! ALL I WANT ARE THE TWO GAMES AND THE TWO PAIRS OF SOCKS. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" After looking over the list of items scanned, I picked up the can of paint and asked if she still wanted that. She rudely said, "Oh, yes, I want that!" Then, she paid and left without so much of an "I'm sorry for yelling at you" or an "I apologize for accusing you of adding things I didn't want." Hmmph!! I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying something that could have gotten me in trouble.
Incident #3
A couple with two toddlers and a baby came through my line, with the baby in his car seat, set in the seat of the cart. While the mother was unloading and reloading the cart, the father was occupying the kids, particularly the baby. When the mom needed a debit card from the dad, he walked around the cart to give it to her, and the baby fell out of the car seat, face-first onto the floor. It happened right in front me and was very shocking. The mother was understandably hysterical. The baby was stunned and didn't even cry. For a few minutes, he was pale and looked like he was going to pass out. Thankfully, his color came back, and he started smiling at us all. He was such a cutie, with some of the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I'm sure glad he was okay.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Have you ever had a week that left you feeling like giving up? I have this past week. A distressing situation at work, Sam covered head-to-toe with poison ivy, a very serious situation involving Scott, then Scott getting hit by a truck while mowing. By the time I went to bed last night, I was ready to give up completely.
Then, I went to church today and was so blessed. The youth group came back from the Youth Conference in Gatlinburg all fired up for God. They gathered behind the pulpit, taking turns praising God and telling the church of the blessings they received at the conference, before singing "Hallelujah to the Lamb" and stirring the hearts of everyone in the congregation.
Thanks to the Lord for tender-hearted young people who aren't afraid to get up before the church and be a blessing. Today, I remember I AM BLESSED!
The video below is of a group of young people singing "Hallelujah to the Lamb." It's not the youth group at my church, but it is the same song, sung at a youth conference similar to the one our youth group attended.
Then, I went to church today and was so blessed. The youth group came back from the Youth Conference in Gatlinburg all fired up for God. They gathered behind the pulpit, taking turns praising God and telling the church of the blessings they received at the conference, before singing "Hallelujah to the Lamb" and stirring the hearts of everyone in the congregation.
Thanks to the Lord for tender-hearted young people who aren't afraid to get up before the church and be a blessing. Today, I remember I AM BLESSED!
The video below is of a group of young people singing "Hallelujah to the Lamb." It's not the youth group at my church, but it is the same song, sung at a youth conference similar to the one our youth group attended.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Chocolate Gravy
I've been feeling a little nostalgic lately, which usually leads to favorite foods from my childhood. When I was a little girl, my absolute favorite breakfast was biscuits and chocolate gravy. Some of you may be thinking that sounds nasty, but you really need to try it before forming an opinion.
My dad grew up eating chocolate gravy, and it was one of his favorites also. Whenever we would go visit Grandma, he would bribe my brother and me to go ask Grandma to make it for us. She was wise enough to know that it was really Dad who was behind it, but she was more than happy to make it for us. My mom didn't care so much about chocolate, but she learned the recipe from Grandma and made it for us often on Saturday mornings.
Just this morning, I made homemade biscuits with chocolate gravy for breakfast. If I had thought of it, I would have taken a picture to post on here, but I was too busy eating! was so good!
Here's the recipe for those of you who are interested:
1 c. sugar
1/4 c. flour
1/4 c. cocoa
dash of salt
Mix together in skillet and stir while adding 1-1/2 c. milk. Cook over med. high until thickened. Stir in 1-2 Tbsp. butter before serving (optional). Serve over hot biscuits.
My dad grew up eating chocolate gravy, and it was one of his favorites also. Whenever we would go visit Grandma, he would bribe my brother and me to go ask Grandma to make it for us. She was wise enough to know that it was really Dad who was behind it, but she was more than happy to make it for us. My mom didn't care so much about chocolate, but she learned the recipe from Grandma and made it for us often on Saturday mornings.
Just this morning, I made homemade biscuits with chocolate gravy for breakfast. If I had thought of it, I would have taken a picture to post on here, but I was too busy eating! was so good!
Here's the recipe for those of you who are interested:
1 c. sugar
1/4 c. flour
1/4 c. cocoa
dash of salt
Mix together in skillet and stir while adding 1-1/2 c. milk. Cook over med. high until thickened. Stir in 1-2 Tbsp. butter before serving (optional). Serve over hot biscuits.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day
What a bittersweet day this is for me. I love my dad, even though he doesn't love me any more. When I was young, I truly believed he was perfect. Not only did I think he did no wrong, I thought he was incapable of doing wrong. As I grew older, I came to realize that he did, in fact, have flaws; but I still loved him and always will.
My dad has a charismatic personality that compels everyone to like him. He has a great sense of humor, with the ability to make even the most stoic person laugh. He is very intelligent and an incredible math teacher.
Above all, my dad loved my mom. She was the queen of our home and revered by us all, as we followed Dad's example. For that alone, I'll always love him.
My dad has a charismatic personality that compels everyone to like him. He has a great sense of humor, with the ability to make even the most stoic person laugh. He is very intelligent and an incredible math teacher.
Above all, my dad loved my mom. She was the queen of our home and revered by us all, as we followed Dad's example. For that alone, I'll always love him.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
8th Grade Class Night 2010
Tonight was Sam's Class Night at Wallace Middle School. It was essentially an 8th grade graduation. Along with receiving their Certificates of Promotion (diplomas), a few students also received some awards.
Here is Sam, along with about 20 other students, receiving the award for scoring a perfect 600 on the SOL for Reading.(Sam is the one in black shirt and pants with a blue tie.)

Here is Sam, along with only 2 other students, receiving the award for scoring a perfect 600 on the SOL for World Geography.

Here is Sam as he received his certificate of promotion from the principal, Dr. Keller.

Here is Sam leaving the stage after receiving his certificate.

I am very proud of Sam and his achievements. He is growing into a wonderful young man.
Here is Sam, along with about 20 other students, receiving the award for scoring a perfect 600 on the SOL for Reading.(Sam is the one in black shirt and pants with a blue tie.)
Here is Sam, along with only 2 other students, receiving the award for scoring a perfect 600 on the SOL for World Geography.
Here is Sam as he received his certificate of promotion from the principal, Dr. Keller.
Here is Sam leaving the stage after receiving his certificate.
I am very proud of Sam and his achievements. He is growing into a wonderful young man.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tip for the Ladies
Disclaimer: This post is for my lady readers. That is not to say that men cannot or should not read it. There is nothing nasty or shocking; it is just geared toward the ladies rather than the men. That being said...
Ladies, how many of you tend to break out in a rash when you shave your legs or under your arms? My legs break out almost every time I shave them. In fact, many years ago, the rash on my legs was so bad I had to go to the doctor about it. Back then, I tended to shave with just soap and water, and the doctor told me to never, ever do that again. He told me to always use shave gel. Although I have followed his instructions, my legs will still often break out in a rash.
Well, last week I read a tip in a magazine and decided to try it this weekend. The article said to shave with petroleum jelly (Vaseline). So, I bought some and tried it.
Although the petroleum jelly did clog up my razor some, it was not as bad as I had expected it to be. After shaving, I had to use body wash to rinse all the greasy feeling away, but it left my legs feeling softer and smoother than I thought possible.
After my first trial, I say it was a great tip that I wanted to pass on. I will definitely try this again.
Ladies, how many of you tend to break out in a rash when you shave your legs or under your arms? My legs break out almost every time I shave them. In fact, many years ago, the rash on my legs was so bad I had to go to the doctor about it. Back then, I tended to shave with just soap and water, and the doctor told me to never, ever do that again. He told me to always use shave gel. Although I have followed his instructions, my legs will still often break out in a rash.
Well, last week I read a tip in a magazine and decided to try it this weekend. The article said to shave with petroleum jelly (Vaseline). So, I bought some and tried it.
Although the petroleum jelly did clog up my razor some, it was not as bad as I had expected it to be. After shaving, I had to use body wash to rinse all the greasy feeling away, but it left my legs feeling softer and smoother than I thought possible.
After my first trial, I say it was a great tip that I wanted to pass on. I will definitely try this again.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
SparkPeople Revisited
I have been asked lately how I have been able to lose 15 pounds in the last 8 weeks. I have been using a program called SparkPeople, which I have discussed on here before. For my new readers as well as my faithful followers who may not remember past posts, here is the information again.
SparkPeople is the world's largest healthy living community with a free online diet and fitness program. SparkPeople is helping millions of people achieve their goals every single day!
Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, live a healthier lifestyle or reach other goals, SparkPeople can help--and it's 100% FREE!
SparkPeople is free because REAL people like you, are getting REAL results and spreading the word to their friends and families!
By Joining SparkPeople You Get:
- Calorie Counter & Meal Plans: Take the guesswork out of what to eat with these powerful customizable tools.
- Personalized Fitness Plan & Exercise Demos: Burn calories and tone your muscles with routines you can do at home or at the gym, plus online exercise videos.
- Active Support Message Boards: Get help from thousands of other people like you who are losing weight with SparkPeople.
- Advice From Our Experts: Our programs are designed by registered dieticians and personal trainers, who are also there to answer your questions.
- Member Created Goal Teams: Find others with similar goals and work towards success together.
- Recipes, Articles, Tips and More: Thousands of articles and over 60,000 recipes to learn more about eating right, staying active, and sticking to your program.
Click the button below to learn more about and/or join SparkPeople.
SparkPeople is the world's largest healthy living community with a free online diet and fitness program. SparkPeople is helping millions of people achieve their goals every single day!
Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, live a healthier lifestyle or reach other goals, SparkPeople can help--and it's 100% FREE!
SparkPeople is free because REAL people like you, are getting REAL results and spreading the word to their friends and families!
By Joining SparkPeople You Get:
- Calorie Counter & Meal Plans: Take the guesswork out of what to eat with these powerful customizable tools.
- Personalized Fitness Plan & Exercise Demos: Burn calories and tone your muscles with routines you can do at home or at the gym, plus online exercise videos.
- Active Support Message Boards: Get help from thousands of other people like you who are losing weight with SparkPeople.
- Advice From Our Experts: Our programs are designed by registered dieticians and personal trainers, who are also there to answer your questions.
- Member Created Goal Teams: Find others with similar goals and work towards success together.
- Recipes, Articles, Tips and More: Thousands of articles and over 60,000 recipes to learn more about eating right, staying active, and sticking to your program.
Click the button below to learn more about and/or join SparkPeople.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
MyPoints Revisited
I've talked about the MyPoints program before, but I feel the need to bring it up again. I really don't want my friends to miss out on something that can be a great blessing.
The main way to earn points is by shopping online. Since I don't do much of that, I'm glad there are other earning opportunities. Points can be earned by reading emails, taking surveys, searching on the web, and my personal favorite: using coupons which can be printed off the MyPoints website.
I've been a member of MyPoints for 11 years, and I have accumulated over 44,000 points. Over the years, I have redeemed those points for many different gift cards which were used to buy birthday or Christmas gifts for Sam or to treat us to a meal at a favorite restaurant. A few weeks ago, I had enough points to order a gift card for Red Lobster. Thankfully, that card arrived in the mail a couple days before Mother's Day, and Sam and I were able to enjoy a wonderful meal and a great time together.
Go to MyPoints to register for this great program.
The main way to earn points is by shopping online. Since I don't do much of that, I'm glad there are other earning opportunities. Points can be earned by reading emails, taking surveys, searching on the web, and my personal favorite: using coupons which can be printed off the MyPoints website.
I've been a member of MyPoints for 11 years, and I have accumulated over 44,000 points. Over the years, I have redeemed those points for many different gift cards which were used to buy birthday or Christmas gifts for Sam or to treat us to a meal at a favorite restaurant. A few weeks ago, I had enough points to order a gift card for Red Lobster. Thankfully, that card arrived in the mail a couple days before Mother's Day, and Sam and I were able to enjoy a wonderful meal and a great time together.
Go to MyPoints to register for this great program.
Garick Zikan comes to my Walmart again
My faithful followers may recall my post on March 14, 2010 about Garick Zikan's shopping trip to my Walmart. On that visit, he earned an A+ as a model shopper.
He was back again last night and came through Register #13 where I was working. I am sad to say that his grade as a shopper dropped to an A-. Mr. Zikan was guilty of one of my pet peeves. Once again, he had used a hand-held basket, and when he got to the register, he placed the basket on the belt and left it there for me to empty.
Now, I don't mind emptying baskets. In fact, I've been known to come around and help customers empty their carts. The problem is that I am so short, and the belt is so high, that I have to strain to reach over the sides of the basket to get the items out. My fellow cashiers who are also vertically challenged agree with me that this is indeed a pet peeve.
That being said, Mr. Zikan was friendly and engaging and an all-around pleasant shopper. That is why his grade did not drop to a B.
He was back again last night and came through Register #13 where I was working. I am sad to say that his grade as a shopper dropped to an A-. Mr. Zikan was guilty of one of my pet peeves. Once again, he had used a hand-held basket, and when he got to the register, he placed the basket on the belt and left it there for me to empty.
Now, I don't mind emptying baskets. In fact, I've been known to come around and help customers empty their carts. The problem is that I am so short, and the belt is so high, that I have to strain to reach over the sides of the basket to get the items out. My fellow cashiers who are also vertically challenged agree with me that this is indeed a pet peeve.
That being said, Mr. Zikan was friendly and engaging and an all-around pleasant shopper. That is why his grade did not drop to a B.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day to me!!!
For the past seven years, on Mother's Day, I've focused on missing my mom, getting all depressed in the process. Well, this year, I decided that Mother's Day was MY day. I took Sam out to eat at Red Lobster, and we had a great time, not to mention fabulous food!
Here we are, waiting outside until a table became available.

Here's my meal: combo of wood-grilled salmon, snow crab legs, and broccoli.
Here we are, waiting outside until a table became available.
Here's my meal: combo of wood-grilled salmon, snow crab legs, and broccoli.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Olive Garden's 2010 Win a Culinary Tour of Italy Sweepstakes
Sam is dying to go to Italy, so I've entered this contest to win an 8-day trip there.
Olive Garden's 2010 Win a Culinary Tour of Italy Sweepstakes
Olive Garden's 2010 Win a Culinary Tour of Italy Sweepstakes
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sam's Involvement at Church
This past Sunday evening, the youth group had charge of the entire service, and it was great! I was so very proud of Sam who was involved in much of it.
I took this picture before church. His face is painted for his portrayal of the Devil in a skit. I used my cell phone to record some of the skit. I was able to get only 1 minute of video, which was almost the entirety of sam's part. It is right below the picture.

As soon as he finished his part in the skit, he had to run to the restroom, wash off the face paint, and get back into the auditorium in time to be an usher for the offering. He also said the prayer over the offering.
For the special music, the entire youth group did sign language to a couple songs. In one of the songs, five of them had solo parts. Sam was the youngest one with a solo part. This video shows his solo part plus a little more.
I took this picture before church. His face is painted for his portrayal of the Devil in a skit. I used my cell phone to record some of the skit. I was able to get only 1 minute of video, which was almost the entirety of sam's part. It is right below the picture.
As soon as he finished his part in the skit, he had to run to the restroom, wash off the face paint, and get back into the auditorium in time to be an usher for the offering. He also said the prayer over the offering.
For the special music, the entire youth group did sign language to a couple songs. In one of the songs, five of them had solo parts. Sam was the youngest one with a solo part. This video shows his solo part plus a little more.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
My Baby Is Growing Up!
This evening, I took Sam to the high school to register for classes for next year. He seemed so grown up as he talked with the counsellor about his career goals and the academic path he wants to take toward his high school diploma. My baby is gone, and a mature young man has taken his place. I miss the little boy that he was, but I am so proud of the man he is becoming, and I can't wait to see how God is going to use him in the future.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sunday Dinner ... OOPS!!!
Saturday night, while I was getting the ingredients ready to make Frijoles a la Charra for Sunday dinner, I was talking on the phone with my friend Cindy; and I invited her to come over for dinner so she could try my Mexican beans. The next morning, I got up early and finished getting it all together and in the crock pot. I set the dial on high so that they would be ready and wonderful in about four hours, right when I got home from church.
While I was sitting in the choir, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't checked to make sure the crock pot was plugged in. Obviously, there was nothing I could do at that point, so I just put it out of my mind and enjoyed the service. When I got home, though, the first thing I did was run to the crock pot ... the COLD crock pot. It was not plugged in, and Cindy was going to be here in just a few minutes. Eeek!!!
When Cindy showed up, I told her what I'd done. We had a good laugh about it, and she asked if I'd rather go out to eat, her treat. Why, of course I would!!! So, we went to El Patio and had a wonderful Mexican meal.
In the meantime, I plugged in the crock pot, set it on low, and let it cook all day. After the evening service, Sam and I had an awesome dinner!! Oh, and I took a big bowl of the beans to Cindy the next day.
While I was sitting in the choir, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't checked to make sure the crock pot was plugged in. Obviously, there was nothing I could do at that point, so I just put it out of my mind and enjoyed the service. When I got home, though, the first thing I did was run to the crock pot ... the COLD crock pot. It was not plugged in, and Cindy was going to be here in just a few minutes. Eeek!!!
When Cindy showed up, I told her what I'd done. We had a good laugh about it, and she asked if I'd rather go out to eat, her treat. Why, of course I would!!! So, we went to El Patio and had a wonderful Mexican meal.
In the meantime, I plugged in the crock pot, set it on low, and let it cook all day. After the evening service, Sam and I had an awesome dinner!! Oh, and I took a big bowl of the beans to Cindy the next day.
Youth Rally
This past Saturday night, my church had a youth rally with Greg Lentz. Unfortunately, I couldn't go because I had to work, but Sam got to go. I had to work 11am - 7pm, and Sam went to work with me and waited around there until Bro. Charles picked him up around 4pm or so. He wandered around the store some, spent some money he had earned last week, and sat out in the car listening to music and reading a book.
When I went out to the car to go home, the car wouldn't start. I noticed right away that although the air was turned off, the fan setting was set on high. I knew then what had happened. Sam had been sitting out there listening to the car's radio and running the air conditioner on high. He had run down my battery, and I wanted to ring his neck as soon as I got him back home from church.
Well, when I picked him up, I didn't have the heart any more. All the way home, he excitedly told me all about the youth rally and went on to tell me that he had rededicated his life to Christ. I was so pleased that I couldn't make a big deal about the car battery.
The next morning, at the end of the worship service, Sam went forward and told the whole church about his decision the night before. I couldn't have been prouder!
When I went out to the car to go home, the car wouldn't start. I noticed right away that although the air was turned off, the fan setting was set on high. I knew then what had happened. Sam had been sitting out there listening to the car's radio and running the air conditioner on high. He had run down my battery, and I wanted to ring his neck as soon as I got him back home from church.
Well, when I picked him up, I didn't have the heart any more. All the way home, he excitedly told me all about the youth rally and went on to tell me that he had rededicated his life to Christ. I was so pleased that I couldn't make a big deal about the car battery.
The next morning, at the end of the worship service, Sam went forward and told the whole church about his decision the night before. I couldn't have been prouder!
Last week was interesting. I was without a vehicle. Let me back up and give you the history first.
When we bought my car almost three and a half years ago, Scott told me that the clutch was going out and would need to be replaced soon. I believe it is a testimony to my good driving that it lasted until last weekend. I thank the Lord that when it went out completely it was sitting in Scott's driveway.
So, Scott managed to get it to a friend's shop where it remained for just about a week. That left me vehicle-less on a week when I was scheduled to work every day Monday - Friday. I didn't know how I was going to get to work and back every day!
That Sunday night at church, I asked my pastor if he knew of anyone with an extra car that I could borrow for the week. He didn't, but he pointed out a man for me to talk to. Well, that man rounded up several of the old men in the church, and they took my work schedule and assigned days and times for each of them to take me to work and bring me back home. What a blessing!!
Now, I'm one of those people who gets to work right on time (or even a few minutes late on occasion). Not last week!! You know how old men are...if you're not 20 minutes early, you're late. Haha! So, I was nice and early every day. Too bad it didn't stick. This week, I've already gone back to my old habits.
When we bought my car almost three and a half years ago, Scott told me that the clutch was going out and would need to be replaced soon. I believe it is a testimony to my good driving that it lasted until last weekend. I thank the Lord that when it went out completely it was sitting in Scott's driveway.
So, Scott managed to get it to a friend's shop where it remained for just about a week. That left me vehicle-less on a week when I was scheduled to work every day Monday - Friday. I didn't know how I was going to get to work and back every day!
That Sunday night at church, I asked my pastor if he knew of anyone with an extra car that I could borrow for the week. He didn't, but he pointed out a man for me to talk to. Well, that man rounded up several of the old men in the church, and they took my work schedule and assigned days and times for each of them to take me to work and bring me back home. What a blessing!!
Now, I'm one of those people who gets to work right on time (or even a few minutes late on occasion). Not last week!! You know how old men are...if you're not 20 minutes early, you're late. Haha! So, I was nice and early every day. Too bad it didn't stick. This week, I've already gone back to my old habits.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Happy Birthday, Mom!!!
Today would have been my mom's 69th birthday. It's always been a bittersweet day for me, ever since she passed away over 7 years ago. Every year, I think back to great times I had with her, and this year was no exception. Today, my thoughts centered on the greatest vaction we had together, along with Dad and my aunt Kitty.
In the summer of 1995 (while I was pregnant with Sam), we took a road trip from our home in McAllen, TX, to the west coast. We visited San Diego, Hollywood, and the beach, as well as Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and Gallup, NM, where Mom and Dad had met over 30 years earlier.
Here are a few pictures, featuring Mom, from that awesome trip.
This is Mom and me in Beverly Hills.

This is Mom and Dad in Beverly Hills.

This is Mom, Kitty, and me at the beach. It was the first and only time any of us had been to the Pacific Ocean.

This is Mom and Kitty at the Grand Canyon.

This is Mom at Four-Corners.

My mom was always up for an adventure and didn't even mind camping out in tents when we that was the only way we could afford to travel. I sure do miss her and her zest for life.
In the summer of 1995 (while I was pregnant with Sam), we took a road trip from our home in McAllen, TX, to the west coast. We visited San Diego, Hollywood, and the beach, as well as Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and Gallup, NM, where Mom and Dad had met over 30 years earlier.
Here are a few pictures, featuring Mom, from that awesome trip.
This is Mom and me in Beverly Hills.

This is Mom and Dad in Beverly Hills.

This is Mom, Kitty, and me at the beach. It was the first and only time any of us had been to the Pacific Ocean.

This is Mom and Kitty at the Grand Canyon.

This is Mom at Four-Corners.

My mom was always up for an adventure and didn't even mind camping out in tents when we that was the only way we could afford to travel. I sure do miss her and her zest for life.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Move That Body!
One of the hardest things for me is getting in my cardio workout. I'm too busy, I'm too tired, or I'm just too lazy. Today, I decided to start fitting it in whenever/wherever I can.
I work as a cashier at Walmart, and I had to be there at 7:00 this morning. When I first got there, they put me on the self-checkout monitor. Now, at 7am, there are hardly any customers in the store and even fewer using self-checkout. I realized that provided the perfect opportunity to walk. I walked as fast as I could in the confined area, lifting my knees high with each step, and I managed to fit in 20 minutes of exercise.
Before walking today, I was feeling tired, barely awake; but after walking, I felt a burst of energy to get me through the morning. After having done my strength training yesterday for the first time in a long time, my legs were sore and stiff. The walking helped them loosen up and not feel so achy.
From now on, I'm not going to accept any excuses from myself for not exercising. I will find a way to fit it into my day.
I work as a cashier at Walmart, and I had to be there at 7:00 this morning. When I first got there, they put me on the self-checkout monitor. Now, at 7am, there are hardly any customers in the store and even fewer using self-checkout. I realized that provided the perfect opportunity to walk. I walked as fast as I could in the confined area, lifting my knees high with each step, and I managed to fit in 20 minutes of exercise.
Before walking today, I was feeling tired, barely awake; but after walking, I felt a burst of energy to get me through the morning. After having done my strength training yesterday for the first time in a long time, my legs were sore and stiff. The walking helped them loosen up and not feel so achy.
From now on, I'm not going to accept any excuses from myself for not exercising. I will find a way to fit it into my day.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I Love Making Money!
In my blog post dated March 9 ("The Saving Game"), I talked about my most recent shopping trip at Kroger. I talked all about how I had saved with coupons and in-store specials, but I failed to mention one thing. After checking out, I looked at my receipt and realized that there was a promotional with Martinsville Speedway, and my purchases had qualified me for two free tickets to the NASCAR race there next weekend. Now, I'm not a NASCAR fan, and I probably wouldn't attend the race, even if it were the one here in Bristol. However, I saw a money-making opportunity there.
I called the number on my receipt and received my two free tickets which I then listed on ebay. This morning, when I woke up, the current bid was just over $26. When the auction ended, three minutes later, the ending sale price was $50.02. Woohoo!! Gotta love getting $50 for free!!!
I called the number on my receipt and received my two free tickets which I then listed on ebay. This morning, when I woke up, the current bid was just over $26. When the auction ended, three minutes later, the ending sale price was $50.02. Woohoo!! Gotta love getting $50 for free!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I'll Take the Blame!
Have you ever known someone who couldn't take the blame for anything? I think we've all known people who couldn't ever accept blame for anything, no matter how monumental or trivial. Well, that person is not me! In fact, I will sometimes take the blame for things I didn't even do.
At work today, a CSM came around to the cashiers, reminding us that when ringing up a cake from the bakery, we are not to turn it upside down to see the barcode on the bottom. The lady purchasing the cake was too kind to tell us which cashier did that today, and we were all speculating. Finally, I said, "I'll take the blame! It's just too unique and funny!" So, some of my co-workers accepted my fake claim of responsibility and gave me a new nickname -- "Shake-A-Cake"
At work today, a CSM came around to the cashiers, reminding us that when ringing up a cake from the bakery, we are not to turn it upside down to see the barcode on the bottom. The lady purchasing the cake was too kind to tell us which cashier did that today, and we were all speculating. Finally, I said, "I'll take the blame! It's just too unique and funny!" So, some of my co-workers accepted my fake claim of responsibility and gave me a new nickname -- "Shake-A-Cake"
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Celebrity at Walmart
There are a couple things I use at Walmart to size up the customers. The first one is competency on the self-checkouts. It is amazing the vast number of people who try to use them but are totally incompetent. I've often said that there should be a short aptitude test that must be passed before being allowed to use them. Secondly, I watch what people do with their carts or baskets after paying for their merchandise. The polite ones return them to their designated places, while the self-absorbed, inconsiderate ones leave them sitting wherever, with no concern about blocking the way of fellow-shoppers or causing extra work for the associates.
Last night, my last hour of work was spent monitoring the self-checkouts, and at one point it became interesting when a celebrity (well, a local celebrity) came through. It was Garick Zikan of WCYB News5. Of course, I was curious to see how competent he was at using the machine. He sailed through the whole process like a pro, and he was very polite, as well. He spoke kindly and was concerned about what to do with the basket he had used to carry his items. Thank you, Mr. Zikan, for being a model shopper.
Last night, my last hour of work was spent monitoring the self-checkouts, and at one point it became interesting when a celebrity (well, a local celebrity) came through. It was Garick Zikan of WCYB News5. Of course, I was curious to see how competent he was at using the machine. He sailed through the whole process like a pro, and he was very polite, as well. He spoke kindly and was concerned about what to do with the basket he had used to carry his items. Thank you, Mr. Zikan, for being a model shopper.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Along the lines of my last post, which was all about saving at the grocery store, today I want to tell you about a program called MyPoints. At MyPoints, you can earn points for shopping online, as long as you go through the MyPoints website. You can also earn points by merely reading emails, taking surveys, and searching on the internet. The points add up and can be redeemed for gift cards for various different stores and restaurants.
Another simple way of earning points is by printing and using coupons. Through MyPoints, you can access my 2 favorite sites for coupons ( and and earn points for using them! You can earn 25 points for using 10 coupons (from either site) in a month and 10 points per coupon used from
I have been a member of MyPoints for about 10 years and have earned thousands of points which have been redeemed for many things over the years. There is no charge to sign up, and there are many opportunities to earn points without spending any money. It is well worth your time and effort to check out this program. I think you will thank me for it.
You can access the website at:
Another simple way of earning points is by printing and using coupons. Through MyPoints, you can access my 2 favorite sites for coupons ( and and earn points for using them! You can earn 25 points for using 10 coupons (from either site) in a month and 10 points per coupon used from
I have been a member of MyPoints for about 10 years and have earned thousands of points which have been redeemed for many things over the years. There is no charge to sign up, and there are many opportunities to earn points without spending any money. It is well worth your time and effort to check out this program. I think you will thank me for it.
You can access the website at:
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Saving Game
Well, I've thought of a few things I should have mentioned in my last post.
1) I hate to shop, but
2) I love to save money when I must go to the store.
3) I'm addicted to clipping coupons.
Case in point: After spending a couple hours scouring the web for coupons, printing coupons, clipping coupons, etc, I went to Kroger for my monthly grocery-shopping trip; and I saved over $40 in coupons, not to mention the in-store specials.
Lots of people tell me I shouldn't go to Kroger because they're too expensive, but I have found ways to save there like I could never save at Walmart. (Don't tell my manager I said that, please!) In order to get the most out of shopping at Kroger, you must have a Kroger Plus Card. It's easy to sign up for one at the customer service desk. One benefit: they will keep track of your frequent purchases and periodically send you coupons in the mail for those items.
Another benefit for having the Kroger Plus Card is the ability to use electronic coupons. The two websites I use are and There are no coupons to print, clip, or hang onto. Simply use your Plus Card as you check out, and the coupons are applied. When I first started using these, there was a glitch in the system that allowed saving from both sites for the same product. Kroger has fixed that now and will use the coupon from cellfire first if there are identical coupons from both sites saved on your card. You can, however, use an electronic coupon and a paper coupon for the same product.
Speaking of paper coupons, there are many, many sources to get coupons to clip. The newspaper is, of course, the first source most people think of, and it's a great one! All You magazine is another of my favorite sources for coupons. Each issue has several useful coupons along with articles on saving/making money, personal style, home decorating, recipes, etc. There are also many websites with printable coupons. The two I utilize most are and
When I got home from the store today, I analyzed my receipt and realized that, by using these methods, I had gotten a few products for FREE! For instance, Yoplait Fiber One Yogurt is $2.69, but only $2.00 with the Kroger Plus Card. I had an electronic coupon for $1 off, as well as a paper coupon for $1 off. My price = FREE! You just can't beat that!
1) I hate to shop, but
2) I love to save money when I must go to the store.
3) I'm addicted to clipping coupons.
Case in point: After spending a couple hours scouring the web for coupons, printing coupons, clipping coupons, etc, I went to Kroger for my monthly grocery-shopping trip; and I saved over $40 in coupons, not to mention the in-store specials.
Lots of people tell me I shouldn't go to Kroger because they're too expensive, but I have found ways to save there like I could never save at Walmart. (Don't tell my manager I said that, please!) In order to get the most out of shopping at Kroger, you must have a Kroger Plus Card. It's easy to sign up for one at the customer service desk. One benefit: they will keep track of your frequent purchases and periodically send you coupons in the mail for those items.
Another benefit for having the Kroger Plus Card is the ability to use electronic coupons. The two websites I use are and There are no coupons to print, clip, or hang onto. Simply use your Plus Card as you check out, and the coupons are applied. When I first started using these, there was a glitch in the system that allowed saving from both sites for the same product. Kroger has fixed that now and will use the coupon from cellfire first if there are identical coupons from both sites saved on your card. You can, however, use an electronic coupon and a paper coupon for the same product.
Speaking of paper coupons, there are many, many sources to get coupons to clip. The newspaper is, of course, the first source most people think of, and it's a great one! All You magazine is another of my favorite sources for coupons. Each issue has several useful coupons along with articles on saving/making money, personal style, home decorating, recipes, etc. There are also many websites with printable coupons. The two I utilize most are and
When I got home from the store today, I analyzed my receipt and realized that, by using these methods, I had gotten a few products for FREE! For instance, Yoplait Fiber One Yogurt is $2.69, but only $2.00 with the Kroger Plus Card. I had an electronic coupon for $1 off, as well as a paper coupon for $1 off. My price = FREE! You just can't beat that!
Friday, March 5, 2010
100th Post
Sorry I haven't updated this in so long. I've been told that the 100th post is supposed to tell 100 things about the blogger, and I just couldn't come up with 100 things. So, instead of never posting again, I decided to just tell as many things as I could think of and move on.
1) My full name is Suzanne Lynn Mulkey Mumpower.
2) I was born January 5, 1970.
3) I am now 40 years old.
4) I have one child.
5) My child's name is Samuel Arthur Mulkey.
6) I gave birth to Sam on Novemeber 18, 1995.
7) I am the mother of a teenager. Aghhhh!!!!
8) I work as a cashier at Wal-Mart in Bristol, TN.
9) I love to sing.
10) But, I can't sing! haha
11) I also love to cook.
12) And, I'm a pretty good cook.
13) I graduated from high school over 22 years ago. (In other words, I'm OLD!)
14) I graduated from college 19 years ago.
15) I have a B.S. degree in Accounting.
16) I was born with heart defects.
17) I like sports.
18) I really like basketball.
19) I really, really like tennis.
20) I love to read.
21) I like scrapbooking.
22) I'm also into old hot rods.
23) I like action movies
24) I also like movies based on true stories.
25) I don't like movies with sad endings. ie: "Million Dollar Baby", "Message in a Bottle"
26) I spent much of my childhood in Macon, GA.
27) I was born in South Bend, IN.
28) I have lived in 9 different states.
29) I have been to 42 states.
30) I have been to Alaska.
31) I have not been to Hawaii.
32) I have lived in Mexico.
33) I have been to Canada.
34) I want to go to Europe.
35) I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior in Feb, 1993.
36) I try to be a good Christian mom, but I often make mistakes.
37) I'm a member of Charity Baptist Church in Blountville, TN.
38) I currently live in Bristol, VA.
39) I have reddish brown hair.
40) I have greenish gray eyes.
41) My favorite color is green.
42) I collect frogs.
43) My favorite drink is Cherry Pepsi.
44) I'm also partial to coffee milkshakes.
45) My favorite ethnic food is Japanese.
46) My favorite dessert is New York style cheesecake.
47) I miss my mom.
48) I'm short ... only 60-1/2 inches (ie: 5ft. 1/2in.)
49) My hair has naturally been almost every color possible. It started off jet black, turned red then blond then brown. Now, it would be VERY gray if I didn't keep it colored.
50) I can't raise my left eyebrow. I was 5 years old when I discovered that and was totally embarrassed.
51) I attended private (Christian) schools from K5 through college.
52) My favorite subject in school was Math.
52) I can go to sleep almost anywhere, at almost any time, regardless of light and noise.
53) I am a published poet.
54) I'm writing a novel.
55) I have run out of things to say.
1) My full name is Suzanne Lynn Mulkey Mumpower.
2) I was born January 5, 1970.
3) I am now 40 years old.
4) I have one child.
5) My child's name is Samuel Arthur Mulkey.
6) I gave birth to Sam on Novemeber 18, 1995.
7) I am the mother of a teenager. Aghhhh!!!!
8) I work as a cashier at Wal-Mart in Bristol, TN.
9) I love to sing.
10) But, I can't sing! haha
11) I also love to cook.
12) And, I'm a pretty good cook.
13) I graduated from high school over 22 years ago. (In other words, I'm OLD!)
14) I graduated from college 19 years ago.
15) I have a B.S. degree in Accounting.
16) I was born with heart defects.
17) I like sports.
18) I really like basketball.
19) I really, really like tennis.
20) I love to read.
21) I like scrapbooking.
22) I'm also into old hot rods.
23) I like action movies
24) I also like movies based on true stories.
25) I don't like movies with sad endings. ie: "Million Dollar Baby", "Message in a Bottle"
26) I spent much of my childhood in Macon, GA.
27) I was born in South Bend, IN.
28) I have lived in 9 different states.
29) I have been to 42 states.
30) I have been to Alaska.
31) I have not been to Hawaii.
32) I have lived in Mexico.
33) I have been to Canada.
34) I want to go to Europe.
35) I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior in Feb, 1993.
36) I try to be a good Christian mom, but I often make mistakes.
37) I'm a member of Charity Baptist Church in Blountville, TN.
38) I currently live in Bristol, VA.
39) I have reddish brown hair.
40) I have greenish gray eyes.
41) My favorite color is green.
42) I collect frogs.
43) My favorite drink is Cherry Pepsi.
44) I'm also partial to coffee milkshakes.
45) My favorite ethnic food is Japanese.
46) My favorite dessert is New York style cheesecake.
47) I miss my mom.
48) I'm short ... only 60-1/2 inches (ie: 5ft. 1/2in.)
49) My hair has naturally been almost every color possible. It started off jet black, turned red then blond then brown. Now, it would be VERY gray if I didn't keep it colored.
50) I can't raise my left eyebrow. I was 5 years old when I discovered that and was totally embarrassed.
51) I attended private (Christian) schools from K5 through college.
52) My favorite subject in school was Math.
52) I can go to sleep almost anywhere, at almost any time, regardless of light and noise.
53) I am a published poet.
54) I'm writing a novel.
55) I have run out of things to say.
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