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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Long-Overdue Update

I haven't posted on here in over two months, because Sam has been sick for a LONG time. He started out with a terrible sinus infection that resisted four different rounds of antibiotics. That weakened his immune system so that he ended up with mono. He has missed over five weeks of school (four consecutive weeks), and although he has been back to school for over three weeks now, he is still limited to half days, per doctor's orders.

He went to an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist who prescribed a round of steroids and Flonase nasal spray. He also ordered a cat scan of his sinuses. He had the cat scan last Monday. Today, we got the results. Praise the Lord, it was, in the doctor's words, "perfect". The doctor said he still has some mucus in there, but continued use of Flonase should take care of it, eventually. He goes back in six months for a recheck.

Now, we're just waiting for Sam to get his stamina back up. It's worrying to see him get so worn out from even the slightest bit of activity.

1 comment:

susan said...

Suzanne, I have had mono. IT TAKES AWHILE TO GET BACK FROM IT. and sad to say he may never get all the way there. It will always show in bloodworm although it is dormant. With me any cold or sniffles I start feeling drained again. Vitamins help. Vitamin c. Lots of rest. Will continue to pray for him and you.