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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Interesting Day at Walmart

Today at Walmart was ... hmmm, how can I describe it ... interesting. There were three particularly interesting incidents.

Incident #1
I was at the door, giving a lunch break, when an older lady came in with a return. While I was putting a sticker on her return, she reached out and started touching my hair and saying how nice and thick it is. She kind of freaked me out.

Incident #2
A customer had a couple games, a couple pairs of socks, and a gallon of paint. After I had scanned them and told her the total, she started screaming at me: "WHAT DID YOU PUT IN THERE? I DO NOT OWE YOU $63.85! ALL I WANT ARE THE TWO GAMES AND THE TWO PAIRS OF SOCKS. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" After looking over the list of items scanned, I picked up the can of paint and asked if she still wanted that. She rudely said, "Oh, yes, I want that!" Then, she paid and left without so much of an "I'm sorry for yelling at you" or an "I apologize for accusing you of adding things I didn't want." Hmmph!! I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying something that could have gotten me in trouble.

Incident #3
A couple with two toddlers and a baby came through my line, with the baby in his car seat, set in the seat of the cart. While the mother was unloading and reloading the cart, the father was occupying the kids, particularly the baby. When the mom needed a debit card from the dad, he walked around the cart to give it to her, and the baby fell out of the car seat, face-first onto the floor. It happened right in front me and was very shocking. The mother was understandably hysterical. The baby was stunned and didn't even cry. For a few minutes, he was pale and looked like he was going to pass out. Thankfully, his color came back, and he started smiling at us all. He was such a cutie, with some of the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I'm sure glad he was okay.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Have you ever had a week that left you feeling like giving up? I have this past week. A distressing situation at work, Sam covered head-to-toe with poison ivy, a very serious situation involving Scott, then Scott getting hit by a truck while mowing. By the time I went to bed last night, I was ready to give up completely.

Then, I went to church today and was so blessed. The youth group came back from the Youth Conference in Gatlinburg all fired up for God. They gathered behind the pulpit, taking turns praising God and telling the church of the blessings they received at the conference, before singing "Hallelujah to the Lamb" and stirring the hearts of everyone in the congregation.

Thanks to the Lord for tender-hearted young people who aren't afraid to get up before the church and be a blessing. Today, I remember I AM BLESSED!

The video below is of a group of young people singing "Hallelujah to the Lamb." It's not the youth group at my church, but it is the same song, sung at a youth conference similar to the one our youth group attended.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Chocolate Gravy

I've been feeling a little nostalgic lately, which usually leads to favorite foods from my childhood. When I was a little girl, my absolute favorite breakfast was biscuits and chocolate gravy. Some of you may be thinking that sounds nasty, but you really need to try it before forming an opinion.

My dad grew up eating chocolate gravy, and it was one of his favorites also. Whenever we would go visit Grandma, he would bribe my brother and me to go ask Grandma to make it for us. She was wise enough to know that it was really Dad who was behind it, but she was more than happy to make it for us. My mom didn't care so much about chocolate, but she learned the recipe from Grandma and made it for us often on Saturday mornings.

Just this morning, I made homemade biscuits with chocolate gravy for breakfast. If I had thought of it, I would have taken a picture to post on here, but I was too busy eating! was so good!

Here's the recipe for those of you who are interested:

1 c. sugar
1/4 c. flour
1/4 c. cocoa
dash of salt

Mix together in skillet and stir while adding 1-1/2 c. milk. Cook over med. high until thickened. Stir in 1-2 Tbsp. butter before serving (optional). Serve over hot biscuits.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

What a bittersweet day this is for me. I love my dad, even though he doesn't love me any more. When I was young, I truly believed he was perfect. Not only did I think he did no wrong, I thought he was incapable of doing wrong. As I grew older, I came to realize that he did, in fact, have flaws; but I still loved him and always will.

My dad has a charismatic personality that compels everyone to like him. He has a great sense of humor, with the ability to make even the most stoic person laugh. He is very intelligent and an incredible math teacher.

Above all, my dad loved my mom. She was the queen of our home and revered by us all, as we followed Dad's example. For that alone, I'll always love him.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

8th Grade Class Night 2010

Tonight was Sam's Class Night at Wallace Middle School. It was essentially an 8th grade graduation. Along with receiving their Certificates of Promotion (diplomas), a few students also received some awards.

Here is Sam, along with about 20 other students, receiving the award for scoring a perfect 600 on the SOL for Reading.(Sam is the one in black shirt and pants with a blue tie.)


Here is Sam, along with only 2 other students, receiving the award for scoring a perfect 600 on the SOL for World Geography.


Here is Sam as he received his certificate of promotion from the principal, Dr. Keller.


Here is Sam leaving the stage after receiving his certificate.


I am very proud of Sam and his achievements. He is growing into a wonderful young man.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tip for the Ladies

Disclaimer: This post is for my lady readers. That is not to say that men cannot or should not read it. There is nothing nasty or shocking; it is just geared toward the ladies rather than the men. That being said...

Ladies, how many of you tend to break out in a rash when you shave your legs or under your arms? My legs break out almost every time I shave them. In fact, many years ago, the rash on my legs was so bad I had to go to the doctor about it. Back then, I tended to shave with just soap and water, and the doctor told me to never, ever do that again. He told me to always use shave gel. Although I have followed his instructions, my legs will still often break out in a rash.

Well, last week I read a tip in a magazine and decided to try it this weekend. The article said to shave with petroleum jelly (Vaseline). So, I bought some and tried it.

Although the petroleum jelly did clog up my razor some, it was not as bad as I had expected it to be. After shaving, I had to use body wash to rinse all the greasy feeling away, but it left my legs feeling softer and smoother than I thought possible.

After my first trial, I say it was a great tip that I wanted to pass on. I will definitely try this again.