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Friday, May 27, 2011


I recently discovered this artist, and I love her music! This song, especially, puts into words some of what I've been feeling in the past few weeks. The arms that have been around me have felt like home, and I like that feeling!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

To My Friend Bill Stacy

Last summer, Bill Stacy started coming to my church. You couldn't miss him; he was a giant man! As I came to know him, I realized that the biggest part of him was his heart. I've never known a kinder or more generous man.

When I was in the hospital last fall, he brought Sam to see me. That was the beginning of a dear friendship. Bill and Sam bonded on the car ride to and from the hospital. Bill, a very talkative man, gained Sam's respect by taking the time to listen to him. He also respected Sam for his maturity and good manners. Often at church, he would tell me he thought a lot of Sam and was praying for him, and that meant the world to me!

In January, my refrigerator went out right after I had filled it with our monthly groceries. Everything in it was ruined and had to be thrown out. Bill and his wife Darlene were the only ones who helped us replace the food we lost, even though they were going through financial difficulties at the time. That's just the kind of people they are.

Lately, Bill was having trouble breathing, and he ended up being admitted in the hospital with bronchitis. While in the hospital, he became infected with staph. It turned out to be MRSA, which is resistant to antibiotics.

Yesterday, Sam and I went to the hospital to see Bill, but he didn't even kn we were there. At 2:44pm today, I receved a text from my pastor letting me know that Bill had just passed away. Although I cried a few tears, I know Bill is better off, and I WILL see him again some day.

Please keep Bill's dear wife Darlene in your prayers. My heart aches for her as goes through this time of loss.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


This is for my good friend "JSR". Thanks for always being my friend, regardless!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Awesome Date

Last night I had the best date night in a long, long time. I didn't get off work until 8:00, so we grabbed a quick bite to eat at Pal's (the BEST hamburgers in the Tri-Cities) and topped it off with a Blizzard from Dairy Queen for dessert. Then, we went to see the best movie I've seen in a while. Fast Five. If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, you need to go while it's still in theaters, and stay until the end of the credits. I'm not going to say why, exactly, because I don't want to ruin it; but it's worth it. I guess I was too busy drooling over Paul Walker and Vin Diesel to figure things out. I was taken by surprise a few times, but Sam said he pretty much expected things to turn out as they did. Wouldn't want to admit that he's more astute than I am, so I'll just stick with the assumption that I was too distracted by Paul Walker's smile and Vin Diesel's muscles. Mmmmmmm!!!! haha

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ain't God Good

After writing the previous post, this song came to mind, and I just had to share it. I think it's awesome that it features Brian Free, after my Brian-Free-fest last night.

Dear Friend

Last night, I talked to a very dear friend for the first time in nearly two years. One cool part about it was being able to pick right back up, as if there had been no time lapse at all. It's really awesome when that happens! The best part, though, is that we are able to share on a whole new level now. The last few months, I have grown closer to God than I have been in a while, and my friend became truly saved! Wow! Now he's not only my friend, but also my brother. I'm overwhelmed. It was a great night!!

We shared pictures of our kids...all grown up now, and we talked at length about what we've been studying in the Bible lately. We even listened to a sermon together on the internet and then discussed it. That was a great experience!

Another very cool thing is that I may actually get to see him this weekend. How awesome would that be??? I'm going to say it again...I'm overwhelmed.

Where Would You Be

Sorry, I just can't get enough Brian Free tonight. This song has such a powerful message. Please listen to it and consider your answer very carefully.

Just a Little Talk with Jesus

Here's another great song. This one reminds me of when I was a young girl, and my family used to travel a lot. We would sing in the car, and this was one of our favorite songs to sing. Whenever I hear it, I remember Daddy singing the bass part as he was driving down the road.

Oh What a Saviour

This has always been one of my favorite songs, and Brian Free has always been one of my favorite singers. Wow! Does he ever nail this song!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Giving to the Less Fortunate

One big lesson my mom taught me was to give away things I no longer needed. She was always giving huge bags of clothing to either Goodwill or the Salvation Army. I have followed her example and have given lots of things to either one of those places or directly to people who can use them.

On facebook this morning, I saw a status along those lines. It made me laugh, but at the same time, it's so true. It said, "I don't get mad when I see my ex with someone else. My parents taught me to give my used toys to less fortunate people." I just had to use it for my status today as well.

Enjoy my left-overs, Kelly! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

This was a bittersweet weekend for me. While it serves to remind me how blessed I am to be Sam's mom, it also makes me miss my mom more than usual.

Saturday evening, Sam told me that since he didn't have any money to buy me a present for Mother's Day, he would do the dishes for me. Of course, to me that was a better gift than anything money could buy. Then, he went on ever so sweetly, "Since you're my mom and like to spend time with me, you can help." What a stinker! It made me laugh while appreciating his logic.

At church Sunday morning, someone gave Sam some money so he could take me out for dinner. He was so excited as he asked me where I wanted to go eat. We had just enough money for us both to get unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks at the Olive Garden. We had a great time! We both ate too much, though, and were miserable the rest of the afternoon.

In the morning service, the children's choir blessed us all with a few songs. The kids sing so sweetly and innocently. I just love it when they sing for us.

In both services, the youth choir provided special music. In the morning service, Sam had a solo part in one song. He has a great voice, and I'm proud of him for using his talent for God. I love my boy so much!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Don't Worry

I'm not posting anything about you, so you really don't have to check out my blog multiple times a day to make sure. I have nothing to say to or about you. Go on about your life...there's nothing here for you to see.

Say It Loud, Say It Clear

In the Living Years

Who Do You Think You Are?

Jar of Hearts

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hopeful Prospects

I had a teleconference with my new boss this morning, and the future is looking very bright! I'm really looking forward to working with him. Actually, I have quite a bit to do today, so I've moved my laptop to the kitchen table where it's nice and sunny with the front door open. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!! Enjoy it ya'll.

Happiest Girl...

Have I mentioned I'm happy? It's a wonderful life! My wish is that all my readers are as happy as I am.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Interesting Weekend

My weekend started out as a typical, boring weekend. I worked in the toy department all day Saturday. I was still finding pieces of broken skylights on the shelves, and I found a few more water-damaged toys to send to claims. Other than that, it was a day full of boring routine.

Sam spent his day at Blountville Middle School where our church youth group had a fundraiser. I'm not sure what was going on there, but they had a booth where they were selling cotton candy and passing out tracts. From the sounds of it, he had a good day. I'm glad. He usually has to spend his Saturdays cooped up at home.

We went to Sunday School yesterday morning, but then Sam was so sick that I had to bring him home before the morning service. Same thing happened in the evening. Sam went to youth discipleship in the afternoon but was too sick to stay for the evening service. (I sure hate missing church!) He took some medicine last night and seemed to be feeling better this morning. So far, I haven't received a call to pick him up early from school, so I guess he's still feeling better.

Last night, I got to visit with a high school friend for a while. That was a lot of fun. I've seen him at Walmart a few times since I've been working there, but this is the first time I've gotten to spend any time with him since we were in high school together, 25 years ago. (Wow! that just made me feel really old!)

When I got home, around 2am, and checked out facebook, I was informed that Osama Bin Laden has been killed by Navy SEALs. Now, THAT's an exciting way to end a weekend!