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Friday, December 14, 2007

It's been a while

I know it's been quite a while since I've posted on here. That's because I've been SICK!!! Note the all-caps and bold lettering. That's because I've been very, very sick. I've had bronchitis and a sinus infection .... nothing exotic, but just a really bad case of it! The doctor ordered me on bed rest for a week and a half.

I don't believe I've been this sick since I had mononucleosis at age 21. At that time, my mom came to nurse me back to health, and she did a great job and MADE me stay in bed the whole two weeks, as per doctor's instrucions. Too bad she's not here now!! Scott and Sam can hardly help themselves, let alone a sick woman. And, I've still had to get up almost every day and cook for them. It just doesn't pay for a wife/mother to get sick!!!

In their defense, my men have helped me around the house some. Here's Scott folding laundry a few nights ago:

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Sam has also helped some, although I don't have any pictures to prove it.

Here's what I've been doing:

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I'm back to work today. Not feeling the greatest, but happy to finally be on the road to recovery.

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