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Friday, May 9, 2008

Recap of Last Weekend

It has been a looooooooong time since I've written anything here. It's certainly not been from lack of things to write about. Rather, the reverse. I've been so busy doing fun and interesting things that I haven't had time to update my blog. Today, I'll do a quick recap of last weekend.

First off, on Saturday morning, Sam got contacts. That was a huge new step! It took him a while to get the hang of putting them in and taking them out, but now he's an old pro. Now, he can actually see the ball while he's playing baseball, and there has been an obvious improvement.

The other big event this weekend in the Mumpower household was the completion of our garden. Well, we completed the space. We still haven't gotten everything planted yet.

The previous owners of this house had a flower bed along a wall separating our house from our neighbors. It was overgrown with weeds, and pretty much just a great big mess. Scott extended it out, doubling its size, and put in new lumber borders and a load of topsoil. Sam and I helped by get ting the area ready for the topsoil and then shoveling the topsoil off the trailer into the garden. Scott and I put up a chicken-wire fence to keep out the bunnies.

Here's a picture of Sam and Scott getting it ready for the topsoil:


Here's the completed garden plot with a few plants planted:


We're all very excited about the garden! It will be something fun to do this summer with the kids I'll be keeping, and it will be a good thing for Sam to be involved in. Of course, the best benefit is the savings we will enjoy on our grocery bill.

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