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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Yesterday marked the 4th anniversary of my mom's death, and today marked the 4th anniversary of the first day without her in my life. By now, it looks like it would be getting easier to deal with, but it's still nearly as hard as it was when it first happened. My mom was my best friend, and I miss her dearly. No matter how far apart we lived from each other, we talked just about every day, even if there wasn't anything new to talk about. No one ever loved me like my mom did; that's what I miss the most!

The first picture is of my mom about a year before she was diagnosed with cancer. The next two are one from her college years and one from elementary. The last one is of mom and me a little more than one month before she died. She was such a beautiful lady!


Unknown said...

your mother was my Fav. teacher I bet many of those lovely gray hairs was becuase of me

Suzanne Mumpower said...

Trust me, Troy, most of those gray hairs were because of me ... her "problem child".