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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Games People Play

I like games ... board games, card games, computer games ... you name it! I love Scrabble, and I've been playing it against my computer for quite a while. I can do pretty well as long as it's set on Intermediate or lower, but I struggle on the higher levels of difficulty. Well, I recently discovered Words With Friends on Facebook, and now I'm addicted to it, especially since I've downloaded the app for my iPhone. I have 10 or more games going on at any given time. I win some, and I lose some, but I always enjoy it, regardless. (If you're looking for someone to play against, feel free to start a game with me. My username on the mobile app is suzanne2770.)

I'm also addicted to Minesweeper on my computer. I can play it for hours and never get tired of it, even though I rarely win. (I've won only 33 out of 2068 games on the advanced level.) I downloaded that app to my iPhone as well, but it's not all that fun since the whole game won't fit in the window.

These kinds of games I like a lot; mental or emotional games, not so much.

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