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Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Throughout my teens and twenties, I wrote a lot of poetry. Most of the poems were really horrible, but some of them were actually quite good. I had hoped to some day be a published poet. As it turns out, one of my poems did get published, albeit on of the worst ones, and not one I'd want anyone to read today. The poem below, one of the last ones, was written when I was thirty, at a time when all was well in my world, and my focus was centered rightly. When I ran across it last night, it reminded me that God is still good, even if my circumstances have changed since then.


I praise the Lord for all He has done:
For leading me in the way I must go,
For my wonderful parents and precious son,
For even the times when he tells me, "No."

He is my Shepherd and always knows best;
No one has ever loved me so much.
When I am tired, He gives me rest;
When I'm alone, I can feel His touch.

There are so many hurting people out there,
And my wish is for them to know my Friend.
He is the One Who will love, comfort, and care,
And cause their sorrows to come to an end.

When parents neglect or cause great pain,
When loved ones go off and no longer care,
Jesus can bring joy to that life again;
Jesus will come because of one prayer.

I pray to Jesus, my Lord, every day
That He will look down on all those I love,
Healing their hurts, wiping their tears away,
Getting them ready to meet Him above.

In my life, He has done so much;
He has always been there in my hour of need.
I'll trust Him and His healing touch
To help my friends, because I believe.

Then, they too can praise His name
For the wonderful works He has done.
Throughout the ages, always the same,
He is Jesus, God's Holy Son.

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