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Monday, August 20, 2007

Race Week

Most of the time, Bristol, Tennessee, is a quiet, boring place to live. However, twice a year, the city changes radically. Those two times are when NASCAR comes to town.

Whether you are a NASCAR fan or not, if you live in Bristol, your life will be influenced by this phenomenon each spring and fall. While I am not a NASCAR fan, and I dread the inconviences of Race Week, I realize that many local businesses rely heavily on these two weeks of the year, as thousands of visitors, from all over the country, flood our city and its shops, restaurants, and other local establishments.

This year, I am actually planning to attend an event at the track during Race Week. We are going to the truck race on Wednesday. We purchased tickets through Sam's Boy Scout troop for an unbelievable price of only $5 each! Although I have to work until 1pm that day, I will pick Sam up from school early, and we will spend the whole evening at the racetrack. I am looking forward to it, but dreading the traffic. I hope Sam enjoys it as much as he anticipates he will!!!

1 comment:

Randi said...

Hi Suzanne! Nascar sounds fun! I've never gotten into the racecar thing, but I love it when the whole city gets excited about an event. It gives the place a sort of electricity in the air, doesn't it?
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