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Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Sunday afternoon, we had so much fun as a family, carving pumpkins. Sam had asked if we could do it this year since he hadn't ever gotten to before. (I didn't realize until he mentioned it that my child was so deprived.) So, we carved two, a large one for us and a smaller one for my mother-in-law. (Sam had promised her one and was bound and determined to fulfill his promise.)

I carved the larger one, and Sam was supposed to carve the smaller one since it was a gift from him to Louise. Unfortunately, the smaller one was too tough for even me to care it, and Scott had to do the honors.

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Here are pictures of the finished products:

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Anonymous said...

Cool Jack o lantern. I'd buy the pumkins and forget about them until I started wondering what that brown and green thing is on top of the fridge sitting on the "How to carve pumkins for Dummies" spooged with pumkin innerds....Great on ideas to busy and scatterbrained for execution..LOL M- is for Magoobernutcrunch

Randi said...

Great fun! I can't believe I've forgotten to buy pumpkins this year! Gotta take the kids tomorrow!