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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Smashing Pumpkins

No, I'm not talking about the music group. I'm talking about a poor little jack-o-lantern getting knocked off the porch.

I was so proud of my pretty little jack-o-lantern, and I set it on the porch to where it could easily be seen from the road. Scott warned me that it wasn't safe there and would probably get knocked off. I didn't think so, and it sat there safely for an entire week. UNTIL..... Scott "accidentally" kicked it off onto the ground Sunday. Whether it was really an accident or not, I'll never know; but he has promised to get me another one. He better get it TODAY since tomorrow is Halloween.

Here's my poor little smashed pumpkin:

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1 comment:

edtoo said...

Poor Pumpkin, hope the next one goes better, keep Scott away ;-)