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Monday, November 12, 2007

How to Get Flowers for No Reason

Ladies, how often do you ladies get flowers from your husband? Valentine's Day and anniversary? Does he ever buy you flowers? When I first got married, my husband informed me that he didn't believe in giving non-practical gifts; every gift needed to be "useful". Well, I LOVE getting fresh flowers and let him know that it was the one non-useful gift I expected to get. Then, I went on to devise a great way to get them any time, for no reason at all.

Here's my secret:

(It helps that my husband is a clean a freak, but I really think it should work on just about any husband.) Whenever Scott gets me flowers, I put them in a pretty vase which is set in the middle of the dining room table. Then, they stay there until they are replaced. That's my rule, and by now, Scott is very well informed of that rule. When they start wilting, I move the vase into the kitchen, where the flowers eventually start to rot and mold starts to form in the vase. Eventually, Scott will get so disgusted with the mess that he will clean the vase and buy me fresh flowers to replace the now repugnant ones. No, I don't get fresh flowers every week or even every month, but I DO get them! And, oh, how I enjoy them when I do!!!!

Here are the ones that Scott bought me Saturday. He picked out some with beautiful fall colors since he knows fall is my favorite season.

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1 comment:

Randi said...

sadly for me, my husband is not a clean freak.

your flowers are gorgeous, though!