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Monday, April 18, 2011

Busy Days

Whew! The past week or so has been so busy! I finally got to rest some yesterday. Actually, I collapsed yesterday!

Thursday evening, Sam left for New York City with his high school band. I had requested to be off work Friday and Saturday so I could have a little time to myself and get some much-needed housework done. Well, not only was my time off request rejected, I was scheduled full 8-hour shifts both days. And, I worked my tail off both days! It was two days full of moving merchandise from one place to another, setting up displays, etc. By the time Sunday got here, I hurt so bad all over that I couldn't move. I took some pain relievers and stayed in bed, moaning, all day!

In my "spare time" the past couple weeks, I've been working on a new business project. A college friend and I, along with his brother and sister, are hoping to get a new business going; and we're hoping it will be up and operational by the end of this month. I've been working on the website, a blog, and a facebook presence. I'm hoping some of that will be completed by this weekend. There's a lot of work going into this, but it has potential to be a viable venture.

So, now, on top of body aches and pains, my head also hurts from all this thinking and staring at the computer screen. I'm going to get off here for the evening and give my eyes and brain a break. Have a good week ya'll!

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