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Monday, April 25, 2011

I Surrender All

I can remember singing "I Surrender All" as the invitational hymn at the end of many church services when I was young. It was always one of my favorites. As I got older, I started paying more attention to the words of the song. They were very convicting. Many times, I would just hum the song because I couldn't honestly sing the words. I knew that although I freely surrendered most, there was usually one little part of my life that I wouldn't give up. Lately, I have become in awe again of God's great love toward us. He gave us His all; how can we not give Him our all? I have recently given everything back to Him, after holding onto something which I considered too dear to let go for over four years. I feel such a sense of freedom now. I am now free to do what God wants me to do, and I am free to receive His blessings in my life. I hope you will be blessed by this song and that you can honestly sing the words.

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